When we separated I heard a song come on that I liked, he must have noticed somehow because he asked if I wanted to dance. I agreed and we headed for the dance floor. After we had danced to a couple of songs and kissed a couple more times we headed back toward the table we were sitting at before. I couldn't help but be curious about him, I had told him a lot about myself since we met, but he hadn't told me that much about himself. Deciding that I wanted to know more I said, "I think we need to talk." His expression didn't change much but did I see fear in his eyes? I continued, "we have talked several times since we met, but you have said almost nothing about yourself, I would like to know more."

 For a minute he seemed to be thinking which just made me more curious to know what he was hiding. Finally, he said, "I will tell you, but we have to speak in private, and you can't tell your friends what I tell you."

 Now I was confused why is he being so secretive? But my curiosity won over my nervousness and I said: "Fine tell me." 

He led me out of the club and into an alley. When he started talking he definitely didn't say what I thought I would hear.

He spoke in an undertone that only I would be able to hear,  "The Greek and roman gods are real..."

 I blurted "What!"

 But he continued his explanation,"they are basically just different forms of the same gods with slight differences, and they can switch from one form to the other whenever they choose. They usually spend most of the time in their Greek form. They started out in Greece as you already know, and then they went to Rome from there they went to other countries depending on where the center of power was, they are now here in the US." 

I was staring at him with wide eyes.  Although I was rather shocked I managed to say, "If what you say is true how do we not know about this, and what does it have to do with who you are?"

He replied, "to answer your first question there is something called the mist that prevents most mortals from seeing things as they really are, because it's not just the gods that are real all the monsters from Greek mythology are real as well. Not only that but the gods are still having kids with mortals who are called demigods, they have to fight the monsters in order to survive, and so the monsters can't harm mortals."

I was starting to believe his crazy story, but what was bothering me was he kept calling me mortal as if he wasn't. He was still talking, "I have noticed that you like some other mortals are able to see through the mist, for example, the day we met I was using the mist to conceal my true eye color. most mortals that I passed that day would have seen me with sea green eyes, however as you already know you saw my true eye color." 

That comment made me think about some weird things that I had seen in the past. One time I had been to California, there had been an earthquake and a little while after I had seen a kid and a huge guy sword fighting on the beach, and it had looked like the kid had controlled the water, when the story had been on the news the newscaster had said that they had been fighting with guns. And then I thought of something, the kid from that news story had been named Percy Jackson that kid couldn't be? I said, "Who are you really?" 

He said, "I am Perseus Jackson I was a demigod son of Poseidon, but two weeks and two days ago I was made a god, an Olympian to be exact. I am the fifteenth Olympian, god of Time, waves, tides, swordsmanship, loyalty and heroes." 

To say I was shocked would be an understatement, but I managed to ask, "I thought there were just twelve Olympian gods?" 

He chuckled before saying,  "When I was still a demigod I managed to convince the gods that Hades and Hestia deserved thrones, and technically there are now sixteen Olympians since we made a friend of mine a goddess this morning."

I decided to ask about what I had seen in California I said, "Uh Percy?" 

"What?" he asked me.  

I answered, "Ten years ago now When I was in California with my family there was an earthquake, and then a little while afterward I saw a twelve-year-old kid and this huge guy sword fighting. When I saw the news story about it afterward they said the kid's name was Percy Jackson. Was that.."

 I trailed off  and he answered, "Yeah, that was me. the guy I was fighting was Ares the god of war, oh and that earthquake that happened before that was caused by a furious lord of the dead." 

I stared at him "how are you still alive?"

 he just laughed and then he said, "I've asked myself that question a few times. Ares just uses strength, I used some strategy, that and I had the advantage of my powers over water that I got from my dad."

I couldn't see how he could make all that up, but I still wanted proof that I could see. So I said, "I think I believe you, but will you show me some proof?"

 he nodded thought for a moment and then he paused seemingly concentrating. when he finished whatever he was doing he said, "Look at your watch,"

I did what he asked and glanced at my watch. I almost always have it on, it's no Rolex but it serves its purpose. When I looked at it though I could see that it had stopped, the second hand wasn't even moving.  I said, "Did you just... "

"Stop time," he finished for me, "Yeah I did," He paused again before saying, "It's back to normal now,"

I looked at my watch again and sure enough it was. I stared at him for a moment still trying to absorb everything he had said and although I had seen it with my own eyes it was hard to believe what he had just done had actually happened. 

 "Is that enough proof for you?"He asked smirking. 

"Yes, it's just a lot to take in," I replied.

Percy nodded understanding, he said, "I understand, it was a lot for me to accept at first too but I didn't have much choice,"

After that he looked like he was concentrating again and a small box wrapped in gift wrap appeared in his hand. He said, "since it's your birthday I want to give you something."

He handed me the box and I started to open it. inside the box was a pair of earrings in the shape of birds in the light from the streetlight I could just make out the colour, they were a fiery orange color, they looked really well made.

 "What kind of birds are they?" I asked although I already had a guess.

 "Phoenix's,one of my sacred animals" He said simply.

 "They're beautiful," I said, still pretty shocked from his revelations.

He smiled at me and said, "Let's head back inside, your friends are probably wondering where we went."

 "One minute," I said and took the new earrings out of the box and put them in, putting the pair I had been wearing before in the box and putting it in my purse.

 "I could really use that drink now," I muttered. 

He laughed and said, "I can take care of that when we get back inside." 

Hand in hand we headed back into the noise of the club.

Percy Jackson The New God (Old Version,)Where stories live. Discover now