no. 12

849 31 4

Dear lily,

Today was terrible.

Dimitra was hanging out with me at Cameron's place. She was sitting on my lap and we were talking while the guys were playing video games.

I was enjoy her company until she tried to kiss me.

I pushed her of my lap and ran away. But I felt so bad lily, because what if you did that to me? I wouldn't like it.

I ran back to Cameron's and I was crying. She tried to walk away from me, but I grabbed her and pressed my lips against hers forcefully.

She pulled away after a few seconds and just walked away from me. She didn't even say anything. I started to feel worse and worse.

I stopped cutting myself ever since the day at your grave with Dimitra.

There are 7 cuts now, lily.

I'm sorry.

with love always,

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