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We soon arrived to a nice restaurant and joined our partners. I smiled at Oliver. He smiled back, as I lifted myself up to sit next to him. "Would you like anything to drink?" The waiter asked. I looked at Oliver. "White whine please." I nodded. "Same." He nodded, looking at Harold and Emily. I reached for Oliver's hand under the table. He looked kind of worried. "If you're worried about people finding out about us, this place is safe. Harold brought us here knowingly. Don't worry." I whispered. He frowned. "People sign a confidentiality form before entering the restaurant. If they betray it, they get a law suit they're sure to lose." He smiled and sighed. "Sorry." I chuckled and kissed his lips. The drinks came back. "Have you chosen your meals?" The waiter asked. I looked at Oliver. "I'll have the same as you're having." I chuckled. "I'll have same as usual, thank you." He nodded and looked at Harold. "Same as usual for both of us." I rose a brow at him. "So you brought her here before?" He smirked. I laughed and shook my head in disbelief. "Evan!" I heard someone call out my name in shock. I rose a brow and looked to my left to see my brother and his fiancé waving at me. I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Great." I mumbled. They walked towards us. "Harold." They greeted. "Hi." They smiled at Emily. "Why don't you just leave?" Harold asked politely. They smirked, both of them. I sighed. "I'm not going to your wedding. Stop asking me. I've had enough. Just please leave me alone." I said tiredly. Daniel chuckled. "We were here to congratulate you." I frowned. "Your boyfriend." He cleared. "Don't you even talk about him." Liam sighed. "I'm happy for you, Evan. Can't you be happy for us? It's the least you can do. You broke the whole family up. Dad left mum a few weeks ago. Please. Just forgive us. Even though, we should be the ones to forgive you." I glared at him. "You're blaming me? Don't you remember what you did to me? And you blame me?!" He looked guilty. "F****** leave before I start punching you so hard that you'll regret ever being born." I grunted. "I just wish you'd come to our wedding." Daniel said. I was really losing my patience right now. My hands had turned into fists and the only thing keeping me from hitting both my brother and Daniel was Oliver... And my legs, obviously. Soon, security came and escorted them out, thankfully. I sighed as the food came. I wasn't even hungry anymore. Remembering what he did, the exact moment he told me so... It just cut my appetite. Harold, Emily and Oliver kept on talking and eating as I just stayed silent and barely touched my food. I felt a poke on my shoulder. I looked to my right to see Oliver looking at me with worried eyes and a frown. "I'm fine." I whispered. He glared at me. "I'm fine, Oliver." I insisted. He sighed. "I'm gonna get some fresh air." I told him before getting into my wheel chair and leaving. I sighed as the cold breeze hit my face. I sighed before closing my eyes. "You're not fine. You never will be. So stop acting like you are." I heard Oliver's voice say. I opened my eyes to have him right in front of me. "You're hurt. You're in pain. What he did was awful. Don't tell me you're fine." I sighed. "I'm telling you I'm fine. I'm fine because you and Harold are here. I'm fine because I made it, I'm making it and I will make it. I'm fine because I'm strong and I won't let anyone get to me." He smiled sadly and hugged me. I chuckled. "Don't be strong around me." He whispered, sitting onto my lap as his arms wrapped around my neck. "I love you Oliver." I whispered. He nodded. "I love you too." He kissed my cheek before getting up. "We should probably head back up." I nodded smiling. We went back up to see Harold paying. I sighed. He smiled. "It's been a long day for all of us. We should get back home and sleep." He said. I nodded. "I agree." I sighed. "Is Emily staying?" I asked. "Of course I am." I heard Emily say. I chuckled. "Ok." I smiled as we head home.

"Evan." Oliver called me. I frowned. "What?" I yelled. He whined. "Come to bed." He pouted. I laughed. "Just a minute." I answered back loud enough for him to hear, as I was in the bathroom. I sighed. Getting pajamas on or any clothes on really is a complete trip to hell and back. I groaned and decided to just wear my briefs. This was getting on my nerves. I unlocked the door to see Oliver standing right there. I rose a brow. "Can't get enough of me?" I smirked. He rolled his eyes while blushing as I walked to the bedroom, with my crutches and pajamas in hand. "Aren't you gonna put your pajamas on?" He asked. I shook my head. "Too hard... I'm not cold anyway." He nodded walking towards me. I smirked as I felt his lips press onto mine. I dropped to the bed with him before kissing him again, my tongue soon gaining control over his mouth. He moaned. "We should sleep." I whispered. He nodded and laid his head on my chest as his arms wrapped around it. I smiled as my arms reached for his body to surround it. Our legs tangled between each other. "Goodnight Oliver." I whispered. "Goodnight Evan." He kissed my cheek before closing his eyes. Gosh, was I a lucky man.

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