Twin Peaks

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The two weeks flew by in a blur, and I couldn't tell if that was because I spent my hours watching Anthony and Elizabeth grow up, literally before my very eyes. By the time Alice was packing our bags for Italy, the twins now held the appearance of seventeen year olds.

The curls that once laid atop Elizabeth's head now fell and her hair was naturally bone straight. Her steely blue eyes looked as if they could see right through a person.

Anthony liked wearing his hair like Edward. It was almost comical seeing him imitate the one he once called father. He even tried copying Edward's crooked yet perfect smile, and was almost successful. Maybe I was a bit biased though. His hair was darker than mine, very near black, he also possessed the very same eye qualities of his sister.

I was very pleased that their skin didn't sparkle like ours do in the sun, there was more of a glisten that was attributed to direct contact with the sun. Their gifts had grown as well, though they no longer needed contact with each other for their gifts to manifest, that was when they were the strongest. Elizabeth was only able to bring her shield in short bursts, throwing them as if they were balls of energy. Watching her demonstrate her gift only reminded me of Jordan and Hilary. It would have been nice to see Elizabeth practicing her gift with someone who shared similar abilities. She could also form her shield around others, though it was quite a strain for her to shield more than one other person. However, when she was holding Anthony's hand, her shield was limitless.

Anthony on the other hand, was able to bring images from the minds of others into reality though for only a short period of time. I was really disappointed that the blue Hayabusa motorcycle that he conjured up for me, disappeared after a few days. Edward was mad at first because he thought I was taking advantage of Anthony's power. But he couldn't have been too mad because he came home the next day with the real thing.

One thing that they were definitely pleased with was that fact that they could communicate with each other mentally. Though Anthony could read the thoughts of anyone he chose, Elizabeth could only hear Anthony's thoughts. Carlisle had a field day with experiments once we discovered this.

"Mom? So what can we expect with the Volturi tomorrow?" I looked around in shock, but there weren't any humans around. Carlisle smartly booked an evening flight out of Seattle to New York, so that we could catch the red eye to Italy. The airport was somewhat empty but there were still a few bystanders nearby. Thankfully none of them registered any acknowledgement of hearing Anthony's slip.

"I don't know honey, but remember in public-"

"I'm Bella." Anthony completed my statement with typical teenage angst. He normally wasn't like that so I chalked it up to him being anxious about the meeting in Volturi. It couldn't be easy knowing that after a few weeks of existence, there was a possibility that your fate was no longer yours. Nevertheless, I gave him a stern look anyway. "Sorry mo-I mean Bella."

We finished checking our bags and waited until finally the attendant called for the first class for our flight. This was Anthony and Elizabeth's first time on an airplane so they insisted on sitting by each other, but I dismissed that quickly.

"And what happens when you two fall asleep and you happen to be touching. You two are never in control of your powers while sleeping." They tried arguing that they would be too excited to sleep, but they understood, and looked at the silver lining. They both got window seats, Anthony was sitting behind me and Elizabeth with Edward.

Flying first class allowed us to be spaced out more, especially since Carlisle bought up all of the seats in first class. My family just had way too much money for no reason.

Keeping true to their word, the twins didn't fall asleep on the trip to New York. The sat motionless, staring out of the window, causing me and Edward to poke them every once in a while to remind them to breathe and act restless.

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