Chapter 12

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Emmett and I had just gotten back to Forks when Bella called the Cullens for a meeting. I decided to head home and see my dad for the first time in almost half a year. He agreed and drove me to the treaty line.

"Stay safe, ok?" he said.

"Emmett, there's no need to worry. I'll be over as soon as I can. I just wanted to say 'hi' to dad," I told him rapping my arms around his torso.

"Alright. I'll see you soon," he stated and gently kissed my forehead.

"Mhm," I hummed as I slowly pulled out from the embrace, "See you soon."

I slowly walked passed the treaty and watched as Emmett drove away in his 2012 red Jaguar. As he reached the end of my vision, I quickly made my way to the forest and sifted into my black wolf, the meeting slipping from my mind. Once I reached the place I called home I shifted back and ran up to the door. Walking straight inside, I found my dad asleep on the couch with the T.V. still playing. I grinned at his sleeping figure and grabbed a blanket to cover him. After, I went to the kitchen and prepared a small meal for him and left a note saying, 'Hey dad, I missed you! I just wanted to come see you, but since you were sleeping I decided to not wake you up. I made you some dinner so make sure to eat all of it, ok? I love you! -Raizel'

After I wrote the letter my phone started to ring so I quickly walked outside so I didn't wake him up.

"Hello?" I answered, not looking at the caller I.D.

"Bella is saying that she won't start the meeting without you," the voice said.

"Iris? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"The meeting that Bella called. She wants you to be here," Iris said once again.

"Ok, I'm on my way. Just give me ten minutes," I said and hung up the phone.

I ran into the forest once again and continued running, not bothering to shift. I reached the Cullen household within the ten minutes and calmly walked inside, towards the living room.

"Now that we're all here," Bella started, looking over at me and giving me a small smile, "The only way I can think of to solve this is a vote." she said.

"Carlisle," Edward pleaded.

"I'm not going to lose my son," Carlisle said and gave Bella a small smile before heading over to Esme.


"I already consider you as part of the family. Yes," Esme said.

"I vote yes," Emmett said as he picked up Bella and spin her around, "We can pick a fight with the Volturi another time," he finished and set her back down.

"Yes, it would be nice to not want to kill you all the time," Jasper said, speaking for himself as well as Drew and Damon.

"You're already like a sister. Yes," Alice said, giving Bella a tight hug. Iris and I stepped over towards Rosalie as I started to speak.

"We vote no," I said looking at her straight in her eyes, my gaze not wavering.

"We don't want you to regret this choice," Iris continued.

"I won't regret it," Bella said.

"We didn't choose this life Bella," Rosalie stated, referring to her and Iris," We wanted a normal life with families that we could constantly see without them getting suspicious and kids we could watch get married in our old age. But all of that stopped when we were bit. Don't regret this," she finished and walked outside the house.

"We got this," I said to Drew as Iris and I headed towards a depressed Rosalie.

"Hey, everything will be ok," I said as Iris gave her a loose side hug.

"How do you know?" She whispered.

"Because not everything is miserable for a long time. You just have to wait for the bad to pass for the good to come."

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