Chapter 2

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We all ended up meeting at the Cullen's house. As I walked in I saw a new vampire. She had gold and red mixed eyes. Like all of the other Cullens, she had extremely pale skin with long wavy brown hair. Jasper walked towards her and he places a small peck on her forehead.

"This is my cousin Iris Willows," stated Bella.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Raizel Black, Jake's twin sister," I said as I put my hand out to shake.

Iris hesitantly walked towards me and shook my hand. As she pulled away she whispered, "It's nice to meet you and I'm sorry about your mom."

To say I was shocked was an understatement.

"Wait, how did you..." I started to question.

"Iris is the newest to our vegetarian diet. She was turned during an incident that happened to Bella and her about a year and a half ago," Emmet said standing next to me.

"Oh," I whispered.

I looked around to see all of the Cullens in pairs. Carlisle and Esme, Jasper and Iris, Rosalie and Blake, Alice and Damon, Bella and Edward, and lastly Emmet and I. Sam and the rest of them were standing closely to the exit except for Jake, he was by Bella.

"I think we have some food in the fridge I'll be back in a second," Carlisle said as he flashed away and flashed back with a small platter of fruit.

"Literally a second," I mumbled.

Everyone had laughed at what I said making me blush.

"Do any of you know why I'm bigger than Sam? I mean he is the alpha after all," I said, trying to get the stares of everyone off me.

As I grabbed a handful of strawberries Jake started to speak.

"In the legend of the spirit warriors a small part is always left out, seeing as it only happened once in our heritage. Our ancestors were originally spirit warriors, able to leave their bodies to defend their tribe, but when the last great chief, Taha Aki, merged his spirit with that of a wolf after Utlapa, a traitorous warrior, stole his body, the werewolves were created. They discovered that as long as a warrior chose to continue changing into his wolf form he would not age. The part that was left out was that Taha Aki's first wife had a daughter that he never knew of. The first wife left the baby girl in the woods to die, but a man and a woman stumbled upon her. They took her away from her hiding spot and decided to raise the child as their own, seeing as the wife wasn't able to have children. The parents were very supportive of their daughter which had grown into a wife and mother of two fraternal, and soon to be be shifting, twins. Unfortunately the baby boy died but the baby girl lived. Her parents had come to name her as Aldercy Aderes meaning-"

"Chief, one who protects. In Latin it means chief, one who protects," I stated whispering, but growing louder at the end.

"Exactly," Jake said as he continued, "After Aldercy grew older she stumbled upon a pack of shape shifters. Their leader being Ephraim Black, our grandfather. In his alpha voice he commanded her to shift back, but she just stood there frozen in shock of having had just imprint on Ephraim and not being affected by his voice. She shifted back and they conversed about her wolf. She was bigger than Ephraim, as you are to Sam, and they came to the conclusion that she was to protect vampires and werewolves from the danger they would put each other in. To be able to tap into wolf side more than regular shifters could and was able to phase back to human form with her clothes still intact. In the end only two more wolves would become like Aldercy, her grandchild and great grandchild," Jake finished.

I stood there frozen on spot. I was Aldercy's first grandchild meaning that I was the one that had to protect vampires and werewolves from harming each other. As I thought this over my body begun to shut down. Soon enough I was just floating in a sea of darkness.

Iris' POV

Everyone had surrounded Raizel as she fainted. I quietly left the room to go out to the balcony. Of course I was worried for Raizel, but I couldn't keep my mind off of what I saw when I shook her hand. When I did I was pulled into her past. There was a little girl, who looked to be about six years old, in a car with a grown woman, who I presumed was her mother. She had long black hair and perfectly tanned skin. The little girl was singing loudly and beautifully in the back as a semi truck hit the woman's side of the car. Glass and blood went everywhere. The little girl seemed to be unharmed, but it was different for the mother. The semi truck driver ran out towards the car he had accidentally hit. He pulled out the little girl and her mother before he called for help. The paramedics came and took them to the hospital and called the rest of their family. Sadly by the time the family got there the mother had passed away. After that memory had faded away and new one began to play. It was of the mothers funeral. The little girl hadn't changed a lot, but her bubbly spirit had withered slightly. As the funeral went on she started to cry. A little boy that looked like her came up and held her in his arms. Soon that memory faded as well and I was brought up to her freshmen year of high school. The people around the now teen girl looked at her with pity and shame. That year she made no new friends, as her old ones left for Sam's pack. Next came junior year. The girl walked around in a cafeteria with people staring and whispering at her. She stood up shaking and yelled before running out into the woods and phased. I was pulled out of these memories as I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Are you ok?" an all to familiar voice said.

"You know that I am Jasper. I was just thinking of Raizel's past. She's had a rough life. Being there when her mother died... Is not something you would want to experience. At least it's something we both...have in common," I said quietly as I turned around in his arms. He looked at me sadly. After I gave him a small peck on the lips I heard shuffling inside. Grabbing Jasper's hand I lead us inside to see Raizel sitting up.

"I'm Aldercy's first grandchild," she stated as realization dawned on her face. Jake replied by slowly saying, "Yes...yes you are."

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