Chapter 2: Chloe

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      ~~~This chapter is dedicated to Drakeluvpickles for being such a fantastic fan~~~

     I first heard the giggles around 9:00pm, coming from outside. At the beginning, I thought it was just some stupid girls sneaking out of our neighbor's house or something. I realized that I was wrong when I heard something hit the window. Sitting up from my comfortable bean-bag chair, where I had been reading, I cross the plush carpet to the window, and stared out to the darkness. WHAM. Something hard hits the window. Shocked, I realize what's going on as I see the object was a roll of toilet paper (which is now streaking down the yard, leaving a trail of white paper behind it): I'm being TP'ed.

As I look closely, I can make out the one of the giggling girls-- Amberlynn. Maybe I should be offended that some girls are pranking me, but to be truthful, I don't care what they think. I don't care what they do. I don't care if they TP my house, or make fun of me, or whatever. I simply go back to my bean bag chair, and pick my book back up.

Once in a while, I'll hear laughter or them talking. I've learned that if you don't take it as a big deal, it won't BE a big deal. I've learned that... the hard way. No. Why'd you have to do that, Chloe? I scold myself. Why'd you have to bring up last year?  I can't read anymore. I can't focus. I shouldn't have brought up anything from my past. Not even the slightest hint of what happened. I can't keep doing this to myself. I take a shakey breath quickly, and calm myself.

"Chloe? It's Emma, she's on the phone," my mom calls from the kitchen. I get up, and cross the fuzzy white shag carpet to the kitchen to retrieve the phone from my mom. Hesitating, I glance at her smiling face. I look like my dad. My mom is a brunette with soft blonde highlights, a slight tan, and a tall figure with a permanant grin on her face. Meanwhile, my dad is Spanish looking-- messy black hair, tan skin, the works.

I consider telling my mom that our house has just been TP'ed, by girls who probably think I'm a loser and go to my school. No, she'll see the TP and just figure it's done by neighborhood kids. Why worry her about that her daughter isn't fitting in? I'm doing just fine: I've got my own friends. It's not like I'm super popular (because I'm obviously not!), and I'm perfectly fine with that.

"Thanks, Mom," I say, and smile at her as I walk into my room to talk to Emma.

"Hey Em, what's up?" I ask into the phone.

"Chloe, look I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go see that new movie, 'Loving Back' sometime? It sounds really good," I hear Emma's chipper voice reply.

"Yeah, sure. Sounds fun. Who's going?" I can feel myself relax again, and my confidence come back. What's better than having your friends by your side at all times? I lie down on my bed and try to work the phone in between my shoulder and my ear as I grab my new white Mac.

"The usual. Me, you, Ava, and Alexi."I smile, thinking of the comfort of my friends. I swiftly pull up Facebook and am immediately greeted by the familiar blue and white layout. As I'm half-listening to Emma talk about who's doing what where, curiosity strikes me. Amberlynn's page isn't hard to find, and that curiosity brings me to 'friend' her. I giggle, imagining her reaction to the friend request.

"What's so funny?" Emma asks, sounding amused herself.

"Ohhh, nothing.... So what were you saying?" I smirk to myself, this time listening for-real to Emma's ramble.

Question: would you rather....

a) only have a few friends, and be really close with them, or

b) have tons of friends and not really know them?

My Answer: a. All the way.

The next day: 7:15am, on the bus ride to Brooksman School (aka BS)

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