Chapter One

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Glancing down at the newspaper clenched in her left hand, Lizzy couldn't help but admonish it, "You have been of absolutely no help! All of these apartments, flats, whatever," Here she gestured to the flat rent section of the paper, "Are complete dumps! If this next one isn't any good..." she waved the index finger of her right hand threateningly at the innocent paper, "I will do terrible things to you!"

Huffing, she marched to the edge of the sidewalk and hailed a cab. At least... she tried to. It took at least ten minutes for one to finally pull over, and when it did, Lizzy's mood had considerably worsened.

Being a little absent minded, and still not quite used to the idea of cabs (even though she had used them most of the day) Lizzy gave only the name of the street she wished to go to.

"Baker Street, please," she grumbled, resigning herself to glaring out the window for the entire trip.

When the cab stopped, she got out and payed the fare. Glancing down at the paper and then looking to the house on her right, her mouth dropped open.

"289! You've got to be kidding me!"

She stood there for several minutes, staring at the door number before narrowing her eyes and spinning on her heel, beginning the sure-to-be ten minute walk down the sidewalk.

A quarter of the way there, she told a tree on passing, that the trip had better be worth it, and shortly after, a lamppost that her day couldn't get any worse.

About halfway there it started raining. Hard.

After a short one sided shouting match with the sky (this received many odd looks from various passerby) and an extra five minutes of walking, Lizzy found herself in front of a worn black door that had three brass numbers (and a letter) above a crooked brass knocker. Taking a breath to calm her temper and to prepare for the worst, she knocked.

The door was opened by a little old lady with quite possibly the kindest face Lizzy had ever seen.

"Yes, dear? Are you here to see Sherlock?" the woman asked with a voice to match her face.

"Uh... No? I don't know any Sherlock... I'm here about 221C?" Lizzy said, confused as to who this Sherlock person was.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, it's just, that boy has so many clients! You're soaking! Come in! I'll take you right down. I'm Mrs. Hudson, by the way. What's your name dear?" Mrs. Hudson chirped as she practically dragged Lizzy in and towards a set of stairs that lead down.

Not able to stop herself from smiling, despite her bad mood, Lizzy couldn't help but think she liked this place already. Despite this odd Sherlock. And his clients... she'd need to ask about that before she made any decisions... She sincerely hoped it wasn't a bad sort of client... because if it was... she most certainly wasn't staying.

Remembering that she had been asked a question, Lizzy quickly shook her head to rid herself of her slightly disturbing thought pattern. "Uh.. Lizzy. Lizzy Naevee."

"Oh, what a lovely name! You're American, aren't you?" Mrs. Hudson said as she led Lizzy to the door that could possibly belong to her new home. Lizzy nodded as Mrs. Hudson opened the door. Staring at the room before her, a large grin crossed Lizzy's face and she barely registered what Mrs. Hudson was saying.

"-just had it fixed up. It was in a terrible state. Mildew and peeling wallpaper... eugh!" Mrs. Hudson shook her head disapprovingly.

Turning to the old woman, Lizzy bounced up and down a little and said, "I'll take it!"

"Oh... but.. don't you want to look around? You might not like the rest," Mrs. Hudson said nervously.

"Nope," Lizzy turned around, "It's perfect."

Mrs. Hudson beamed, "Oh, that's wonderful! It'll be so nice to have another girl in the house!"

"When can I move in?" Lizzy asked eagerly.

"Oh, whenever you want, dear. Oh..." Here, a worried look crossed the her new landlady's face. "I do hope the boys won't give you any trouble. Well... John wouldn't. But Sherlock..." Mrs. Hudson trailed off with a very troubled expression.

There was that Sherlock again! What an odd name, Lizzy pondered as to what kind of person would have that name. He lives with this... John? Are they...? Well. Whatever kind of people lived in the flat above her, she was not letting this deal go.

Mrs. Hudson scooched a little closer and lowered her voice to an almost whisper, "They keep insisting they're not... but I am positive that they're," She look around as if she expected the two in question to jump out from around a corner, "Together."

Lizzy started giggling. She was getting to like her landlady more and more.

Mrs. Hudson continued, "I told them it was fine." She leaned in closer and her voice turned conspiratorial, "Mrs. Turner next door s'got married ones."

Lizzy started laughing hysterically and Mrs. Hudson joined in with her own titters.

"If it's all right with you, I'll start moving in tomorrow?" Lizzy beamed. She was curious to meet her two new neighbors.

But first, she had shopping to do.

Lots and lots of shopping.

A/N: Hello hello! I hope you enjoy this! It's my first swing at a Sherlock fanfic, so I hope I get him in character. Vote, comment, tell me what you think!!

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