Chapter One

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Takano POV:

I lay down in bed as the bright moon lit up my room with brightness. I feel sick, like I have the flu or a fever. My parents got divorced about a month ago and the boy I truly, dearly loved so much just vanished, this was probably the worst feeling of all. When I looked at the alarm clock, it was unsurprisingly 12:03 am. Yokozawa says it is good for me to get at least eight hours of sleep but who cares?, my life sucks anyways. I slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep dreaming about Ritsu.

(1:56 am)

"RITSU!", I screamed.

I sighed, knowing he wasn't really going to be here. Lately I have been having dreams about him and in the dream he says things like "I am so sorry for leaving you Saga-Senpai, please forgive me" or "I love you, I won't ever leave you again". It is driving me crazy every morning waking up displeased to not see the love of my life in my room next to me. I think I am going to need a therapist to get Ritsu off of mind because he is almost the only person I think about.

(3:37 am)

I fell asleep once more feeling far worse than before. I got up out of my bed and walked limply into the bathroom. I pulled a white thermometer out of the cabinet and put it under my tongue. It read 102 degrees. Groaning from the pain in my body, I was about to go into the kitchen to make some soup but then I heard someone moving in the house. My foot steps slowed down when I heard it in the kitchen. "Who could that be?", I said softly to myself as I looked in the kitchen. As I walked further I grew light-headed and collapsed and everything in my vision was blurry. I looked up and saw a man who looked about in his mid-twenties with brown hair and emerald green eyes. His features were very similar to Ritsu's. I looked at him once more and got a closer look at him. Just as I was about to confront this man why he was in my house, I fainted. The last thing I heard was, "Saga-Senpai!" and then I closed my eyes.

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