My smile quickly disappeared and I pursed my lips.
"Please don't do this tonight," I sighed tiredly, unaware of the tension growing in the room.
"Don't do what? Talk to you?" Theo spat, throwing a plate to the ground. I jumped back with a gasp, staring at the shattered plate then back up at him. He began reaching for the other plates and threw them off, a few of them smashing right at my feet. I let out a small scream, begging for him to stop. I made the mistake of taking a step forward when he ran out of plates, and he swung his hand at me, forcing me to the ground. I pressed the tips of my fingers to my lip, hissing at the sting made on contact.

Theo knelt down to my level, tears pouring down is checks. Apologies began to spill out of his mouth.
"I love you, I love you, you know that right? I would never, ever, hurt you. I-I'm sorry, I love you." I forced myself backwards, cutting my hand on a shattered part of a plate. I ignored the feeling as his face turned red in anger. I stood abruptly, slipping on the shattered plates around me, causing me to fall back down. I saw his hand go for the pot on the stove, and tried to move backwards again. I shielded myself in time for the boiling water to hit my face but my arms paid the price. I let out a loud cry, feeling tears pouring down my face. I climbed to my feet, sprinting to the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

Theo cried loudly, banging his fists on the door loudly as I ran the shower, letting the cold water attempt to ease the stinging in my arms, but only seemed to make the feeling grow. Loud sobs escaping my mouth. His words varied between a mix of hateful words and 'I love you'. But even then, those three words turned into hate.

I waited until I heard Theo leave the next morning, leaving a small 'I love you' before he left. I stared at my lip in the mirror before I left, my arms bandaged and covered with a sweater. I let out a breath.
"Just make it up again," I whispered, staring at myself. I hadn't gotten a moment of sleep that night, fearing that he would break down the door and proceed to hurt me. "You always do. . . you always do."

I arrived late to training that morning and everyone asked about the bruises and split lip. I shook them off, walking away the moment I could. I didn't manage to get away for long as Batman quickly pulled me to the side.
"Those aren't because of a mission," he stated, eyeing my injuries.
"Y-yes they are, they just-"
"Tell me the truth," he said, his voice still the same tone, but his glare harsh. "Is someone doing this to you?" I looked down, pursing my lips. "A family member? A loved one?" I glanced back up at him, feeling my lower lip tremble.
"H-he doesn't mean it! H-he just needs help - I can help him!" The same words spilled from my mouth, sobs accompanying them.

A pair of arms quickly wrapped themselves around me, and I automatically knew who they belonged to. I wrapped my arms tightly around Kaldur, fists clenched shut.
"Why didn't you tell us?" He asked, his voice low and soft. I pulled away, shakily.
"I-I can help him - I know I can. H-he just needs my help, please." Kaldur stared at me as I rambled excuses, his face clear with sympathy.

I kept my hand tight on Kaldur's as he walked me back to my apartment, despite a number of attempts he made on trying to change my mind.
"You should probably go," I mumbled when we reached the door, my hand slowly leaving Kaldur's. "H-he won't like you here." Kaldur shook his head.
"No," he said, a stern look on his face as he looked at the door. "I want to make sure that you're okay." I nodded numbly, opening the door hesitantly.

"Hey, babe, I- Who's he?" The smile had completely vanished from Theo's face, his eyes flickering from Kaldur to me. I swallowed thickly.
"Th-this is Kaldur, he's a friend-"
"Are you cheating on me?" Theo yelled, his hands in fists as he walked over.
"No, I would n-" I was cut off as he raised his fist, but Kaldur was faster, grabbing Theo's arm and forcing it behind his back.
"Wrong move," Kaldur growled, shoving Theo out of the hold. Theo brought his hands back up, swinging an aimless punch. Kaldur was faster again, blocking the hit and throwing his own, forcing him to the ground unconsciously. Kaldur's expression softened when he turned to me, rooted to the spot. He took my hand calmly, taking me back to the cave.

My body shook with sobs as I laid curled in Kaldur arms. I stared thoughtlessly around his bedroom, surprised by the lack of color.
"It's not his fault," I mumbled, still tense although Kaldur's hands massaged my arms gently, careful of the burns on my arms. "If I just had just helped him. . . it's all my fault."
"It's anything but your fault," Kaldur said calmly. "Once he started, well, there was no going back." More tears escaped my eyes, and I hastily wiped them away.
"I'm such an idiot," I sighed. "I should've left the first time." Kaldur stared down at me with a mix of hurt and dismay.
"You're not an idiot," he said, bringing a hand to the side of my face. "You're beautiful; you're brave. And of all things my hands have held, the best by far is you."

I stared with wide eyes, my face beginning to heat up, and as Kaldur leaned closer, I found myself doing the same. His lips were softer, calmer; it wasn't urgent or needy. His hands didn't pull or tug instead, they only moved to my hair, entangling themselves in it gently. A warmth spread through me and it would only be later, with patience, that I realized that that feeling? It was what it felt to be loved without force.


Okay, so if you are in an abusive relationship, whether it be mental or physical, please please please don't be afraid to speak out to someone, okay? Please. If they hurt you once, there's always a chance that they'll do it again.

Anyways, if you couldn't tell at the start, I kind of tried to make Kaldur dyslexic because someone came up with the idea on tumblr and I fell in love with it I don't know why.

If you would like to request please do so by either commenting or messaging me directly.

Chika chika


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