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Sitting at the breakfast table, I dug into the food, practically shovelling it into my mouth. I used a lot of magic yesterday, so a large portion of food was definitely in order. This morning the breakfast table was full, that always happened when Father had an execution, this time it was different. Today, Bran and all the boys were going. I was worried about Bran, he hadn't been to one before, and I was worried it would scare him. Theon had told me yesterday that it was unsettling the first time you saw it. I imagine it was unsettling, seeing a man put to death. I know it unsettled father, after the war in which he helped Robert win against the Targaryians, he had seen more than enough death. However, father took his position as warden of the North very seriously; he always said "If you are to put a man to death, you do it with your own sword". Glancing across the table I eye Bran, I'm not sure it he's ready to see that yet.
Grabbing another piece of bread I take my fill, preparing myself for what is bound to be a day of boring lessons on needlework. I shovelled the food into my mouth, the hunger I felt slowly beginning to ebb away. I always felt that my appetite varied depending on how much magic I used between meals.
"Valerie, slow down and eat properly. Honestly, you'd think you were raised by pigs" mother scolded. Looking up from my plate, I saw the whole family looking at me. Arya was trying to hold in her laughter, and Sansa looked absolutely disgusted, the boys, well they weren't even trying to hide their amusement. Gulping down my mouthful, I sat up straight and mumbled an apology. I then proceeded to pick at my food, taking small measured bites.
"Don't eat to much Bran, you don't want to be sick" Robb says, his eyes focused on Bran who was steadily going through the food. I cringed at the thought. I had a bad feeling about this, I couldn't describe it but something just felt off. Maybe I'd eaten a bad egg. Pushing my half eaten food away, I leaned back into the heavy wooden chair. If felt like their was a ocean in my stomach, stirring up nauseating feelings.
"You alright Valerie?" Theon's voice splits the quiet of the room. I glance over and give a small nod, but that doesn't seem to appease Theon, he frowns, glancing at my plate. The movement is noticed by Jon.
"You didn't finish your plate. That's not like you"

Darn it, now everyone was looking at me. Was it really that obvious.

"She's on her second plate. Probably gorged herself to the point that she's sick" Sansa sneered. I glared at my sister. I could use my magic and dump her glass of water all over her, but that wasn't worth the  trouble, plus I didn't feel like using my magic was a good idea; I didn't feel normal. She was such a prick, thought she was better than the rest of us.

"Usually she's on her third by now. What's wrong Valerie?" Arya pipped up.

"I'm fine. I just need to get some air" I state. That was the best excuse I could come up with. Looking to mother I see her nod her head. Taking that as an invitation, I get up from my sat and head for the door. Once I'm in the hall I let out a long sigh. What was wrong with me? I never got sick, ever. Leaning my back against the cold stone wall, I felt the familiar coldness seep into my skin. Slow breaths filled my lungs, the action doing little to ease the sensation. Using my magic, I summon a flask of water. Opening  the wooden cap I start to sip the water. It isn't helping. This couldn't be magic related, I was eating well, and hadn't used any magic this morning. Placing the empty flask on the ground I shift around, trying to ease the sensation.

The door opened and Arya poked her head out.

"Valerie, are you alright?" She asked. I shook my head, feeling the uncomfortable feeling stir once again. Arya came closer, and pressed her tiny hand against my forehead. "You're burning up. You should go to your room and rest, I'll tell mother you're unwell" Without another word she turned back to the dining hall. Sighing, I start walking in the direction of my room.

My head swam and my vision suddenly began to blur. A shrill ringing sounded in my ears as the world dipped violently. Grasping for the wall, my hand falls short and I lose my balance. Falling to the floor.

Blazing fires swelled in a dance, the air twisting the flames into amorphous creatures. A figure stirred in the flames, a creature living in the fire. From the crackling of the air came sounds, voiceless words: Messah, Mother of Dragons, Khaleesi. The fires began to shift, the flames converging to form solid creatures, glowing eyes, infinite wings, rows of white teeth. The form in the centre was smaller and slowly unfurled to reveal a woman. She stood above the reptilian creatures like a queen amongst commoners. Her silver hair framed her face, and a single word penetrated the air like a bolt of Lightning.

"Daenerys" Lurching forward my eyes snapped open. My heart leaped erratically as I gasped for air. Looking around the room I saw the familiar walls of my room. I staggered for breath as the word rung in my head. Daenarys, who was she? There was no way that was a dream, it had to be something bigger, a vision.

"Valerie, It's alright. You're safe" a voice spoke. Turning I saw my mother sitting on a stool beside my bed. How had I missed her?

"What happened? how did I get here?" I felt my voice croak. My mother looked concerned, perhaps the first time I had seen her show such emotion, besides annoyance, to me.

"You passed out in the hall. Arya said you were unwell so when I left to see how you were; I found you in the hallway unconscious.We had to have Hodor carry you in here since the boys had already left for the execution" She stated. I blinked at the unfurling of events, it made sense.

"Mother, has father returned? I have to talk to him, it's important" I pressed.

"You aren't going anywhere. You need to rest" She ordered as she rose from her chair. "Now I must go, but I will have Sansa bring some food to you"

With that she left, firmly closing the door behind her. A heavy sigh escaped my lungs as I felt displeasure course through my veins. I had to tell father about the silver haired woman.

Lying in the bed, I felt a wave of tiredness sweep over me. Closing my eyes to try and fight the heaviness pressing on my lids, I felt my conscience slowly drift away.

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