• Observing •

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Faline slowly opened the door, waving her hand in front of her nose to lessen the putrid smell while she listened carefully for any noise that might indicate her brother's presence. Thank God, it seemed as if he'd decided to spend the night partying. She tossed the house key onto the kitchen counter, dropping her bag beside it. Her blue eyes were ringed with dark circles, methodically concealed under a thick layer of foundation that also obscured the bruise that had blossomed on her cheek.

She headed straight toward her bedroom, unbuttoning the uncomfortably high collar on her uniform. She stepped through the threshold of her little sanctuary, immediately opening the window at the far side of the room to let in the cool New York air. She peered out at the skyscrapers in the business district of the city, blocking her view of the setting sun from her spot looking out of her apartment. Faline huffed, resting her elbows on the window sill and watching the rest of the world carry on: an overall buzz echoing from the streets below, a flock of pigeons taking off into the early night sky, the doldrums of the city never missing a beat as it transitioned from busy, everyday life to the even busier night life.

Everyone in the city, carrying on with their normal routines. So why was she straining against the normalcy, the occurrences and behaviors that had become part of her life?

Because it wasn't right.

She was being abused. She had no doubt in her mind about that. But turning in Connor over to the cops - heck, even just leaving his sorry butt behind the day she turned eighteen - would land Faline between a rock and a hard place. The finances were rough already - it was miracle she had managed to scrounge up enough money to buy the makeup that kept the signs of abuse hidden. Her dreams of traveling the world would surely be dashed if she ended up working at Harvey's her entire life.

However, Faline refused to ask for help. She kept the complaints buried. She concealed her thoughts as best she could, because deep down, she knew people would never look at her normally if they found out what was happening at home (not that they looked at her normally anyways). Society would see her as a charity case, she believed, and she wouldn't be reduced to relying on someone else's sympathy to pull her through the mess. No, Faline figured she was much better off finding a way to navigate the chaos on her own.

Then, a small disturbance. Her eye caught the hint of movement, racing along the rooftop, definitely too large to be a pigeon.

Faline shrank away from the window, trying to remain inconspicuous as the figure neared her apartment. It was now too dark to make anything out in clear detail, but her heart leapt when she saw the blur of green and blue in the fading light.

Leonardo stopped at the edge of the roof opposite Faline's bedroom, scanning the building across the small gap that separated the two roofs.

Instinctively, Faline moved forward once more, coming plainly into the view of the turtle's searching eyes. Those same orbs widened in surprise when the blonde gazed directly at him, and it was obvious Leo wasn't actually expecting her to be there. He took a step back, shock and suspicion flooding his expression as he slowly inched away from her in uncertainty.

"No! Wait!" Faline suddenly cried, her hand reaching out the window toward him, seemingly of its own accord. Leo flinched slightly, putting a finger to his lips. She instantly understood - he was still worried she'd give him away. She nodded, giving her silent consent to stay quiet, whilst beckoning for him to come closer.

Leo's feet froze in place, which Faline took as a sign of progress. At least he wasn't backing away from her cautiously anymore. She fought the urge to roll her eyes in exasperation, her gestures becoming more wild as she tried to persuade him. He held his palms out in front of him at her, a sign of reluctant agreement as he backed up just a bit further, before vaulting himself across the rooftops, flipping about three times in midair before sticking his landing silently on the fire escape, crouching to eye level with Faline.

"I thought you wouldn't come back," She confessed, her blue eyes glittering with interest - not fear, not apprehension. Interest.

"I'm unpredictable," Leo stated, his ocean blues searching for any signs of anxiety or nervousness emanating from the blonde. She just pried open the window to allow him to climb in.

"How're your injuries?" She asked, while her gaze traversed his reptilian skin and numerous rippling scars.

"Good. Everything's good," Leo replied, taking in the unusual way her fingers remained constantly at work, intertwining and unweaving within seconds, tugging at various folds and rifts in her crisp white blouse.

"That's good," Faline smiled halfheartedly, her active hands reaching up to extract the bobby pins from her painfully precise bun, and her eyes continued to wander over the scratches and nicks in Leonardo's plastron, wondering where he'd acquired them.

The lull in the already-strained conversation granted enough time for both the teens to observe each other further, and Leo was slightly taken aback when he glimpsed the purplish hue of a bruise when Faline turned to check her reflection in a tiny mirror. The black and blue blemish was covered up once more when she let her locks fall around her shoulders. Leo couldn't take his eyes away from her face.

"What?" Faline asked nervously, fingers tangling and untangling themselves in her blonde strands.

Leo clamped his mouth shut for a moment, at first trying to let common sense take the reins of the situation. Perhaps the bruise was from an accident - she could've fallen, or gotten something thrown at her...

Doubtful, Was Leonardo's last rational thought before his mouth took over, the words tumbling off his tongue before he or Faline could prepare for the tension the question left behind.

"Faline, who hit you?"

The Leader Gave Me Hope: The First Book of the Freeformers SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now