When will this end?

Start from the beginning

I shook my head and stood. I grabbed my blade and left. As soon as I got outside, the cool air hit me and I just walked to the gates, and right past the guards on duty. What was that?

Umm, I belive some would call it a nightmare. But I'm just a voice in your head, so how would I know?

That's not what I ment and you know it. What was the reason behind it? Why did I have it in the first place.

Well, it seemed to be warning you of something. I don't know what, but it was defiantly a warning of some sort.

I shook my head and walked through the forest and kept my eyes glued to the ground. After a while of walking, I stopped. I looked up at the tall tree I had stopped next to and climbed it. Once I had reached the top I shighed and sat on one of the branches. I could see the town, it's lights flickering bright against the dark night sky. I looked up at the low hanging moon, it was half full. Not alot of time, just over two weeks. Two weeks to find and kill the man this dream was talking about.

Do you even know who you have to kill?

I thought a moment, I think I do, but if I'm wrong, apparently I'm doomed to the fate that this guy is trying to prevent.

Who? Who needs to die? I'll gladly help...

I have a feeling that I need to kill Entity.

Ok, one more question...Who is this guy that keeps talking to you in your dreams?

Don't know. I haven't seen his face. I have seen this hooded figure in my dreams before. He never lifts his hood, so I've never seen his face. I may never know who he is, but honestly, I don't really care.

I sat in silence and colected my thoughts together as I heard distant shouts. "Hero! Hero where are you?" I heard Steve shouting as he walked by the tree I was in. He looked up at me with a worried expression on his face. "What's up with you and climbing really tall trees?"

"To make you ask questions. Oh look, it's working." I said smerking.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Hey will you come down here?"

"Yah, one sec." I replyed as I jumped off of the branch I was on and landed on my feet next to Steve.

"Show off." Steve said with a small smile.

"I try." I looked at him and realized something was bugging him. "What's wrong, man? You seem a bit, off."

He rolled his eyes again. "I seem a bit off? You're the one who keeps tossing and turning all night, you're the one who go's days without sleep. Yah Hero, I'm definitely the one who's off." I looked away and said nothing. "Hero, what's wrong?"

I hesitated. Should I tell him? The man in my dream said to trust no one. But Steve's been with me for as long as I can remember. "Uh, n-nothing, I'm....I'm fine. Just some stupid nightmares."

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