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Depression,anxiety and pressure are the things that are ruling my life right now and honestly I'm sick of it. I keep beating myself up about not doing something and my panic attacks are getting harder to hide but I need to do it... Not for me for her, it's even worse when people keep bringing it up and saying  shit about it. Seriously do they not get that I know I'm a pussy for not doing it?!
I've tried so many but Nerves just stop me and I know that that isn't an excuse but that's all I've got.

I don't want to be depressed anymore, I don't want to deal with the nerves or the panic attacks. I don't want to feel the pressure and anxiety of my life. I just want all that to end but I don't know how to get rid of it all without hurting people.

The King of random sits on his throne of randomness

A random book with random things about a random personWhere stories live. Discover now