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Hi people I'm Zenneth Hallam and this is a book about me!?.
I'm what most people would call "human" but do I feel like it? Hmm I have no clue what so ever.
Here's a few quick things about me, I'm fifteen and I currently attend a public school in south Australia and although most people think of me as a loner I spend most my time at school with my group of mates like any other person well except for the fact that all my friends are extremely weird and.... Unique.
People also know me as the dickhead at the back of the class that makes stupid jokes about stupid shit which in more ways than one is true. I can be an intolerable asshole at times (most times) but lately I've been less of one If that makes sense. Ooohk so moving on, I have four best friends which can be one sided at times but they all mean a lot to me and I'm sure everybody out there has that one friend they couldn't live without and I found mine.

My life at home is far from perfect but it's far from hell, I've narrowed it down to "prison" because I'm not allowed out anywhere. It's kinda like being permanently grounded except I'm not actually ground, suprisingly  I've gotten use to not seeing my friends outside school but it does get extremely lonely at times.

Random fact time

Random fact 132#
I suffer from depression and anxiety but I have mood swings so I'm depressed one second and bouncing of the walls the next.
I should probably get checked for bipolar but my parents know nothing about this so I'd like to keep it that way.

So there it is my first chapter, if you guys don't want to hear me ramble on about myself just tell me so 😄

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