So i quickly got the ball in my control and started making my way towards the goal then finally shot it. IT MADE IT IN! fuck yeah! Fuck you older people who doubt me!

"Good job Alex!" Coach S said towards me.

We did a couple more rounds of this before coach moved on. Then we tried layoffs and just passing the ball.

"Line the balls up here please. Okay, so now we're just gonna practice shooting. One at a time, starting from here, you will try to shoot it into the goal. That simple. Who wants to be goalie this time?"

"Me!" I once again said copying my actions from before.

"okay go." She said towards me. I went in goal and waited for them to start going.

Once everyone was ready the first person went. I blocked it. Then we continued on. I was able to block most of them, but there was one or 2 that made it in goal.

The year 7 people knew to well that I was good in goal. Most of them watched the Sidemen and know that Tobi taught me. The ones who didnt know about the Sidemen knew anyways, people would tell them.

But  almost all of the year 8 and 9 students didnt watch the Sidemen and were never told about me. So as I kept blocking them, they tried going faster and faster to get me off guard.

But I still blocked most of them. In the end though, it hurt like hell. We didnt have any gloves so my hands are currently throbbing and red. These people have no chill. They were kicking the ball as hard as they can.

"Coach S! Would you like to do a little scrimmage?" Mr. Hepner asked.

"Yeah, sure! Bring it in Ladies!" we all walked towards Coach S and formed a circle around her.

"So, we are going to scrimmage the boys. We need to figure out who will play and who will sub in. I want Dez in goal, Alex you'll sub in later on....." I kind of spaced out after I heard where I would be. Before I knew it the game was starting.

Bella and Rozzy werent playing so we just had a nice little chat. By that I mean we talked about the most random things.

"Alex, I want you to go in goal, Bella switch out with Nicole, Rozzy switch with Nicky, Luna with Maria..... " I didnt hear the rest of the subs as I already made it to goal where I switched with Dez.

Once every one was in there position, we resumed the game. The boys made it past our defense, and this short guy, shorter than me, kicked the ball towards the goal. I had to dive to get the ball, and that's what I did. I blocked the ball from going in. Then I picked up the ball and looked for an open person to throw the ball in. You see there was one thing I couldnt do well when it came to football. I cant punt the ball very far. I saw that Melissa was open so I threw the ball in to her.

~Time skip to the end of try outs~

Try outs were finally over, Bella, Rozzy and I changed from our cleats into our normal shoes and we removed our shin pads. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

"ALEX!" I heard a familiar voice call to me as I started to walk home.

I turned around to see Simon. I ran over to him and hopped in his car. He drove away before anyone could notice him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We're gonna record a football video with Josh, Harry, Tobi, JME, Callux and Lewis."

"Ok, imma be behind the camera probably laughing at you while doing homework." I chuckled.

"You're gonna be laughing at them not m- weeeellllll actually never mind."

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