Chapter Six

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This mansion is a maze. This was all I could think as I made my way through the labyrinth of hallways.

 Each turning of a corner led me to another hall that looked identical to the one I’d just passed.

                       My sanity was at its limit. I had to ask someone where I was. If only someone was around.

                       “Are you okay?” A voice behind me asked.

                       My head whipped around and come into contact with something hard. “Ouch!” I exclaimed and rubbed the sore part of my head.

                       I looked up and saw Raffaele rubbing his chin that looked like it was starting to swell up.

                      “I’m so sorry.” I apologised. Although, the injury looked like it hurt way more than it probably did.

                        Raffaele’s bright blue eyes seemed to glare at me before dropping his had to his side. He smiled. “No harm done.”

                       I gave an awkward nod and walked around him and back to my bedroom. I was thinking that – apart from jumping from my balcony – I hadn’t done anything active for the past couple of days.

                       I knew that here was a gym near where the meeting room was. A couple of hours there would probably do me good.

                       I changed into some black shorts and a light pink tank top and put my sneakers on. I made my way down the black marble stairs and to the gym.

                       The gym itself was equipped with treadmills, cycling machines, dumbbells, a punching bag and other workout gear. It seemed as though the room was used often. I wondered who came here.

                       My question was answered when the door opened and Rico walked in. He dropped his bag off his shoulder and began to rummage through if. Rico noticed me and nodded politely. He pulled out what looked like bandages and wrapped them around his knuckles which were bruised purple.

                       I watched as he started throwing hard punches at the tatter punching bag. This was probably Rico’s fighting style – boxing, that is. After all, he did say that it was one of his interests.

                       He noticed me watching and stopped. “Is something wrong?” He asked.

                       I shook my head. Then I had an idea. “Is there anyone here that I could do some sparring with?” I asked.

                       Rico’s face seemed to light up. “What kind of sparring are you talking about?” He asked.

                       “Oh, just a little bit of hand-to-hand combat practise.” I said casually. “Martial arts; perhaps some…boxing?”

                       He grinned. “I could probably help out with that.” He sounded cool, but I could tell that inside, he was cheering like a madman. His shining grey eyes gave it away. “I’ll also give you a handicap. You can use any part of your body you want; as in you can kick, punch, head butt or whatever you want. I can only punch.”

                       I smiled. “Sound’s good to me. When you are ready,” I said, slightly crouching into a defensive position. “We’ll start.”

                      Rico grinned and ran at me, swinging his fist towards my chest where my heart internally lay. Aiming for vital organs was a good move.

                       I barely dodged the blow and his fist collided with my shoulder. I’ll admit it, he was fast. I felt my shoulder dislodge from the socket. I clutched my dislocated shoulder and winced.

                       He suddenly stopped moving, looking concerned.

                       I took his moment of being off guard to pop my shoulder back into place and roundhouse kick him in the stomach which sent him flying into a group of exercise balls.

                       Rico rebounded off the balls and landed on the floor. He glared up at me and I smirked.

                       “Are you even trying?” I asked, hoping to get him aggravated. It worked.

                       Rico quickly got up and charged at me again, fist getting ready to collide with my face this time.

                       I raised my hand to catch his fist with. This was too easy.

                       He darted behind me at what seemed like lighting speed and hit my back with his fist.

                       I fell forward and placed my hands out in front of me, landing  on them and flipping over in a walkover, my heel connecting with Rico’s chin on the way over. I whirled around and tried to punch him in the temple (which probably would’ve knocked him out) but Rico blocked my attempt with his forearm.

                       “You’re pretty good.” He commented.

                       “Hey,” I replied, “You’re not the only ones who have trained under Soldato.”

                       Rico grinned, now realising that he could go all out on me.

                       Just as the fight was getting good, the door to the gymnasium opened and G walked in. He cleared his throat.

                       Rico and I stopped our match for a moment to listen to him.

                       “Rico,” G said, “They’re here.”

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