9.The Attack.

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"Of course I'm fine." Lu Er could hear Qin chuckle through the radio until she said, "I should really go." There was a long silence. And then she said,"over."

"Okay then." Lu Er really didn't know what what else to say. He wasn't as...racist as Qin but he felt a little suspicion over David Brown. But only a little. He sighed. "You should probably go i guess. Over."

Lu Er couldn't see Qin but he was certain she smiled on the other side of the radio before tuning out. He turned to WeiTing and Tze Xian.

"Qin's in-"

"We heard." WeiTing said. "I'm actually really happy for her. She's got some kind of mission from a really high ranking general. I mean, that's something big!"

"Honestly, I don't really care, WeiTing. Qin's still the worst." Tze Xian said, feeling uncomfortable that the topic of conversation was the girl he hated, Qin.

WeiTing raised an eyebrow, studying him. "Why can't you guys be friends? I don't get what's so horrible about Qin. And you're not that bad either."

"Not that bad? Nice compliment, WeiTing." He said, rolling his eyes at her. "What do you mean not that bad? I'm awesome!"

WeiTing scoffed. "Yeah right. No offense, Tze Xian but you're sort of cocky."

"Me? Have you even met Qin? She thinks she can do everything!" Tze Xian said.

"Guys." Lu Er said, a little louder than he intended to. "Could we please not have another argument?"

"We're not arguing. We're talking." Tze Xian said.

"Talking so heatedly?" Lu Er asked.

"Heatedly? Are you kidding me?" Tze Xian laughed.

"Yeah. Heatedly. Is there a problem?" Lu Er asked again, frowning.

"We weren't! Come on!" Tze Xian said.

"Yeah you-"

"People, people. Now that's what you call talking heatedly, Lu Er." WeiTing said, grinning as she looked at Lu Er.

Lu Er blushed and walked away, ignoring WeiTing and Tze Xian.

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