A Second Killing

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Nobody seemed to notice her. All but one. A waiter crept one step at a time, towards the small girl. Slowly creeping towards her with not a change in his grin. The young, little girl was quietly muttering nursery rhymes in alphabetical order, under her breath. Still, no one heard.

Suddenly, the girl looked away from the ticking clock and turned her eyes to the waiter. Her high pig tails swinging slowly. She began to beam up at him. He was now only five feet away from her. Tears began to swell in the girls eyes. Her dress, shredded, fell to the ground, causing the girl to look down. Although, she did not look at her dress, she looked at her chest. Bucket loads of blood was oozing out of her chest; streaming down her body, where long chucks of her body had been sliced out. The great, old mantel piece had distracted her so much that she had not even noticed, that she, herself, had been struck.

She dramatically fell to the ground blood spilling everywhere, her eyes red from the tears she wept, and the small amount of blood that had escaped with her tears. Her hair spread everywhere. All the ghouls crowded around her bewilder. To find the one that had interfered with no one but herself......dead. Then everything went black for everyone, as a figure slipped into the shadows.

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