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"Come on, Jungkook~~," Park Jimin begged, getting down on both of his knees, closing his hands together. "I don't wanna go alone with just Hoseok and Yoongi. They'll make it weird!"

Jeon Jungkook rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "No, everyone says I'm too young for that. And I don't want to, Jimin."

Jimin dropped his arms down in laziness. Jimin mumbled, "And by 'everyone' you mean your parents."

Jungkook scoffed, "Shut up. At least they look after me!"

Jimin laughed. "Just come please! You're technically not too young, you just can't drink. You don't have to do anything, just come with me so I'm not a third wheel?" Jimin was basically whining at this point.

"My parents will never let me do it," Jungkook seemed to finally be giving in.

"You don't have to tell them! Just say you're coming to my house."

Jungkook thought for a minute. He didn't like the idea of lying to his parents. He's always been a good kid. Straight A's, Advanced Math, being a tutor, and graduate from high school recently with a GPA of 4.2 . Now it's summer and what is Jungkook planning on doing? Going to a gay bar with his three best friends, out of force.


Jimin jumped up and gave Jungkooked a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he kept repeating over and over again.

"Okay, okay, Jimin," Jungkook pushed him off, "Enough."

Jimin nodded, mentally thanking Jungkook.


Jungkook still couldn't believe he was going through with this. One, he wasn't too sure about how he would feel being surrounded by half-naked guys. Two, he especially didn't want to see his friends enjoying it.

"Happy to have you along, Jungkook," Jung Hoseok said cheerfully, as always, as the four were walking in the city.

"Yeah, hopefully the four of us will get laid," Min Yoongi said seriously.

The three looked looked at him with a concerned expression.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, "What? A guy can't dream?"

Jungkook kept constantly checking his phone to make sure his parents weren't looking for him. Jimin noticed his discomfort and tried to make him feel better.

"Relax, Jungkook, it's not like you snuck out," Jimin put a hand on his shoulder. His smile faded when Jungkook didn't answer. "You did tell them you were coming to my house, right?"

Jungkook hesitantly shook his head, immediately stopping and started to heavily breath. "I-I . . . I couldn't, Jimin. What if th-they were to ask me questions? They would know I'm lying s-since I-I'm such a bad liar." Jungkook placed his hands over his face.

By now, Yoongi and Hoseok were also comforting Jungkook, but mainly because they wanted to hurry up and go.

"Aw, Jungkook you shouldn't have done that~," Jimin tried to say, but Jungkook wasn't in the mood to listen. "If you want to go back, you can. I don't have to go . . ."

Jungkook shook his head, "No, I'm going. For you guys."

Yoongi and Hoseok sighed with relief and started the way to the club. Jimin patted Jungkook on the back and followed the elders. Jungkook was hesitant to continue, but he did.

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