Undying Thirst Chapter 2:Memories

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"Stop looking at me like that Adrianna!!" the cold hard voice shouted. "I'm sorry daddy." the angelic little voice whispered. She looked scared. Terrified is more like it. She looked so tiny and fragile almost like if you so much as breathed on her, she would probably break into tiny little pieces. She was pale, with big indescribable blue-green eyes that could melt even a Scrooges heart. Long brown hair flowed down her back and in her face making her look like a porcelain doll. She was covered in blood. The man in the drivers seat was shaking madly, it was her father looking like he was a madman. "Don't worry baby, no one will ever know." he smiled back at her.


"Adrianna wake up, your having a nightmare!!" I shot up in bed shaking, sweat pouring off of me and tears falling down my cheeks. Every night since then it's been happening, the same nightmare, over and over again. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rocked back and forth. Eric looked at me like I was some looney chick off the deep end, maybe I was getting there, it sure felt like it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked uncertain.

I immediately shook my head trying desperately to forget.

"I..I just had a bad dream that's all.." I whispered looking away from him closing my eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked slowly.

"Yeah, I..I'm fine." I mumbled.

He shook his head and started off towards the door, he turned and said nervously

"Adrianna, I know that we barely know each other but if you ever need anyone to talk to about anything..I'm here for you." he didn't wait for me to reply and walked out. Instantly I felt alone, but it's not like its the first time.

Since that night I've been alone and fighting to find peace within myself to no avail. He took everything from me that night and every since then my life has been a complete hell. "Why me?" was my final thought before I drifted off to sleep. The rest of the night I dreamt about the meadow. Sun was shining down on it and the flowers were sunkissed and beautifully arranged together. Beautiful marigolds and sunflowers surrounded me and led me down a trail, leading me to her. I found her by the big maple tree smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh baby girl, I thought you'd never visit me again." she said.

"Of course not momma, I would never do that to you." I said beaming.

"Momma loves you girl, don't you ever forget that. What me and you have is something special and no one, absolutely no one can take that away from us you hear me?"

"Yes momma, I love you so much, why'd you have to leave me?" I muttered feeling the tears start to come.

"Baby girl, I never left you, I probably wasn't there when you were all alone but I was looking down at you and making sure you were alright. I'm sorry but it wasn't my fault and you know that." she said.

"Yeah momma, I know. I'm happy your here now though. It means alot to me." I said smiling.

"I know it does sweetie, I know it does."


I walked into the kitchen feeling somewhat grumpy but rejuvenated. The smell of bacon and eggs filled my nostrils an immediately my stomach grumpled. Eric looked up at that,

"It looks as if someone's hungry." he mused.

"Oh you bet, but Eric can I ask something?" I said nervously.

"Sure." he said.

"Well you said that I'm a vampire now..and I want to know..Aren't vampires supposed to drink blood??"I

asked questionably.

"Yes we are, we don't have to eat. We can simply survive on blood but there are more nutrients for us in human food. That reminds me, you have to drink blood if you want to survive so come here." he said.

I walked over slowly. "Eric I will not drink from an innocent human, it's wrong and I'll rather starve to death." I stated flatly.

"You don't have to I promise, I keep blood in the fridge." he said. He grabbed a glass and poured some blood into it and handed it to me.

"Drink" he ordered. I narrowed my eyes but couldnt resist the smell coming from the glass and drank it hungrily.

"Adrianna calm down, RELAX." he warned. My fangs came out and my instincts took over. I wanted more blood and I was gonna get it one way or another.


Author's Note:

Ok well chapter 2 is finished :O how are you guys liking it so far?? Tell me what you think in the comments. Don't forget to vote and fan!! :D No matter if no one reads my stories right now I'll keep going for those that will eventually. :D

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