The Amusement Park

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It was nearing 1pm – just fifteen minutes more.

Harper was anticipating - and dreading – the meeting with Connor, as it means she will be sharing her memories with him. She took out his file and read over it for any mistakes – of course there was none as she was a sharp worker. Her hard-drive that had her memories in it was all ready to go. She was well prepared, even though she didn't want to be for Connor.

She watched him stroll straight towards her office, clicking a button to unlock her glass door – she let him in. He seems extremely...excited today, she thought.

"Hello, Mr Vincent." She greeted politely. Connor shook his head.

"Just call me Connor, Harper."

"Alright then, Connor, would you like to start your session now?" He nodded his head eagerly. She guided him to a separate room, adjoined to her office - It was the room where her clients had their memory sessions. "Please lie down here, I'll get the things ready." She gestured. 

She helped him take off his navy blue blazer and took his black brief case. She placed them on a chair in the corner.

Harper came back with the hard-drive, the metal headband and the glasses. 

She ambled towards him and slipped on the gear. The cold metal headband touched his forehead, making him slightly shiver from the metal coldness. "Sorry." She mumbled an apology.

She connected the metal headband and the hard-drive through wires, "Are you ready Connor?" She asked. Oh god, he's going to look into my childhood now, she thought.

"Yes, I'm ready." With that, Harper pressed the play button and the headband lit up, signalling that it was starting. Connor looked through the glasses and flashes of images arose – it sort of made his stomach churn, but it disappeared when the images stabilised.

The memories were told through Harper's eyes.

She was sitting in the backseat of a car, while her parents sat at the front – they were driving to the amusement park. Her petite arms curled around a small blue backpack. She gazed out of the window of the moving vehicle, while her parents had their little chitchat.

Not much was to see outside – only rows of similar looking houses and some plantation of green grass and trees.

The drive wasn't long – they had now entered the bustling car park of the amusement park. Harper was basically bouncing up and down in her seat, but her seat-beat restricted much movement. She was tremendously excited for this, but all she could see right now was a sea of cars, "Can we go now? Please, please? I want to go on the teacup ride." Her voice was high with joy. She couldn't wait to get out and go on the rides.

Her mother laughed, "We're getting there honey. Your father's just having a hard time finding a parking spot."

"He just stole my spot!" Her dad exclaimed. A scowl was creeping up his face as he drove past the car which stole his place. 

Harper pouted her small lips, It's going to take ages for me to ride the teacup, she thought.


Shortly after, they found a nice park spot that was relatively close to the entrance. Lucky for Harper since she couldn't contain her excitement to enter those gates to a child's wonderland. 

"Come on dad! I want to go on the teacup ride." She stomped her foot and clasped her small hands on her dad's much larger wrist – she struggled to drag him. He didn't move one inch. He just chuckled at her tiny efforts.

"Alright, we're coming." Her mother took her hand in hers and made her way to the amusement park.

Harper gazed at her surroundings in awe. It looked magically, especially for a five year old girl. There were many kids like her with their families – all trying to drag their parents to the next ride.

Her dad came back holding a handful of tickets. She bounced up and down as she spotted her favourite ride – the teacup. "I want to go on that first!" She pointed her finger to the ride. Her parents smiled at her.

"Alright, let's go!" With that, they headed towards the ride.


Harper finished her chocolate ice cream with a final lick. The sweetness coated her tongue. "Hey kiddo, want to race me in that?" Her dad pointed to the stall, which had a row of clowns with their mouths open and water guns.

"Yes!" She paced to the stall with a hop in her step, as her dad followed, "I'm going to win!" She said determined. Her dad gave a few tickets to the owner and he handed them their water guns. Harper got a red one, while her dad got a green one.

A bell dinged, signalling to start. Harper was good at this – she had terrific aim – the water sprayed straight into the clown's mouth. The meter was ascending hastily.

"Yes! I won!" Her meter was full, while her dad's one was just halfway. Little Harper thumped her tiny fists in the air in triumph. 

"Which toy do you want?" The owner asked. Harper pointed to the giant fluffy bunny toy. He retrieved from the wall and handed it to her. "It's so fluffy, dad." He smiled and gave her a 'thumps up'.

The sky became an ombre of orange and yellow. It was late afternoon – time to head home. They left the amusement park and entered the car. She was still hugging the giant bunny.

"How was today honey?" Her mother asked. Harper was saddened as the distance between the car and the amusement park grew further.

"It was very fun. I really like it." Her voice was soft and tired – the day had drained her of all her energy. Her mother sent her a small smile.

"Get some rest sweetheart. We'll call you when we arrive home." Her mother's voice was soothing and light, sending Harper's eyes flutter close – She was going into her slumber.

As the images faded, the headband light turned off – the session was complete. Harper unplugged the wires connecting the headband and hard-drive. She took the glasses and headband off Conner, as he sat up. He did a little stretch.

"How was it?" Harper felt weird asking how her memory was. He gave her a glowing smile.

"It was breath-taking." 

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