Chapter 8

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A few weeks later (a few days before the final task) i woke up with my eyes red and puffy from crying, yes i was still crying but i hid it i pretended to laugh with my friends but when i was alone id cry again. I put concealer on and eyeshadow then i put on some eyeliner and since it was saturday i changed into then i grabbed my bag and went down to the library so i could do my homework. On my way down i put my hair into two loose ponytails under my hat. When i got to the library i sat down at an empty tabkle near the back and started to do my homework eventually i ended up taking off my hait and putting my hair into one ponytail because honestly this was hard since it was DADA homework and as i mentioned Moody had it in for me. "Need some help?" someone asked around my 4th hour of being in the library "thanks herms but i can mana-" i looked up expecting to find Hermione but it was Draco "what do you want?" i sneered standing up. "To talk" he said, i started to pick my things up and stuff them into my bag "i have nothing to speak to you about" i said as i pulled the strap over my head and settled it on my shoulder "yes you do, you need to talk to me" he said grabbing my wrist. I shook it off and walked out of the library "please beth" he said "no Malfoy its not as if i just saw you in bed with that girl i saw you shagging her and in an empty classroom!" i said. I kept walking towards my common room and he kept following "please i made a mistake" he said "mistake or not im over you and if you know whats good for you youll stop trying because i will never forgive you" i said. I turned to face him again "just tell me one thing" i said softly "how many girls were there?" i asked he looked down and took my hands in his surprisingly i didnt let go "please Beth i didnt know what i had until i lost you" he said "how many?" i asked again "6" he said, i flung my hands out of his and ran back to my common room. I walked into the common room and found that Harry, Hermione and Ron were the only ones there i sat down at an armchair and let my bag fall to the floor. "Hello you three" i said cheerfully then i saw Harry's glum face "stressed?" i asked he nodded slowly "dont worry dude" i said "dude?" ron asked "its an american word used by surfers, ronald" Hermione clarified. "Or normal people" i pointed out "so why are you using it?" Ron asked and i slapped him on the arm playfully making him laugh "well you three seem busy im going gonna go to my room and sleep until the third task" i said. "The third task is tomorrow deet de deet" Hermione said "no effing way!" i said "i thought it was in a few days! I am so alzheimersy today" i said making hermione laugh "hang in there harry and dont make me have to call off the rager im planning for when you win" i said. "Victoria!" Hermione shrieked "fine fine just poker and beer" i said putting my hands up but she shot me a death glare "loud music and firewhisky?" glare "loud music and poker?" she smiled "yay" i said. "But no music with bad words in it" Hermione said "ya just some Katy Perry and Evanescence" i said "who?" Ron asked "American muggle music" i said with a shrug. "Hey why do you look so red?" Harry suddenly asked "trouble with Draco again?" Hermione asked then suddenly i remembered what had just happened "yeah kinda" i said trying to keep my voice from cracking. "What happened?" Hermione asked walking over to me "i just found out how many girls he cheated on me with" i said and oh look at that my voice cracked. "Oh Vicky" she said and i heard Ron snort, oh thats right he calls Victor Vicky, Hermione ignored him "how many were there?" she asked "6" i said and now i started to cry hermione wrapped her arms around me. "6?" Ron asked "Bloody hel" i sniffled and wiped my tears "well no use crying over a Malfoy" i said standing up. "Wait Victoria" Harry said as i walked over to the girl's stairs "yes harry?" i asked "wanna go for a walk?" he asked "sure just let me change my clothes now reek of Malfoy's cologne" i said and walked up the stairs then i dug into my trunk and put on a hoodie skinny jeans and sneakers then i walked back downstairs. Harry was standing were id left him and Hermione and Ron werent there anymore "hiya harry" i said cheerfully "honestly with like the 5 minutes youve left now your saying hi again?" he said and i nodded. "Come on" he said and i followed him out of the common room then we walked out of Hogwarts and out around the grounds. We started to joke around then we sat down on the ground and we were silent for awhile then Harry broke the silence "hey Victoria?" he asked "hmm" i said as a response "if i win tomorrow?" he asked "will you go out with me?" he asked. "Harry" i looked up at him "if you win ill do whatever you want" i said seductively, he leaned over to me "lets start now" he whispered into my lips "kiss me" he said and i closed the space between us crushing my lips to his.

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