3.2 That No Moment

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Ellia wanted to scream out and break through her chains when they dragged Han away. He just woke up and was unable to see, unable to see his fate that approached him. Ellia had no choice but to watch as she was latched to the side of Jabba's obese sleeping body in next-to-nothing. 

When they took her in, they made her change into the most skimpy thing she ever saw, a gold metal bikini, and she had no choice but to go ahead and wear it. She was his new slave. Chains were connected to her neck and ran to her new master as C-3PO stood behind the space gangster. 

Ellia sat up more straight when she saw Jabba's henchman, Bib come in, following behind him were two others, Luke and Leia. Ellia grinned madly looking at the two, knowing their chance of survival just boosted. 

"Master," Bib said to Jabba waking him up with a startle, "Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, and Princess Leia."

"I told you not to admit them," Jabba spoke in Huttese.

Ellia looked at Luke who had a scared look in his face she gave him a reassuring smile before nodding for him to continue. "I must be allowed to speak," Luke said.

"He must be allowed to speak," Bib translated.

Jabba became furious and shoved Bib away. "You weak-minded fool! He's using an old Jedi mind trick."

Luke quickly glanced at Ellia before he stared hard at Jabba, "You will bring Captain Solo and the Wookiee to me."

"Your mind powers will not work on me, boy," Jabba replied.

Luke sighed and shrugged, "Nerveless, I'm taking Captain Solo and his friends. You can either profit by this... or be destroyed! It's your choice. But I warn you not to underestimate my... our powers."

Jabba laughed mean and loud as 3PO spoke, trying to warn Luke of the pit he and Leia were standing on. "Master Luke, you're standing on..."

"There will be no bargain, young Jedi," Jabba said cutting off 3PO, "I shall enjoy watching you die."

Luke reached out and a pistol jumped out of the guard's holster, making it fly into Luke's hand. The confused guard grabbed for it as Jabba raised his hand, "Bascka!"

The floor suddenly dropped sending Luke, the guard, and Leia into the pit below. Ellia's eyes widened as she watched her remaining friends tumble into the pit of the unknown. Ellia quickly lunged forward but was restrained by a human guard, who she recognized as Lando behind his mask. He shook his head and mouthed the word "no" to her. Ellia pulled back from Lando roughly and back to her place by Jabba. 

"Oh, no! The Rancor!" C-3PO called out, causing Ellia to inch closer to the pit to look in. The iron door rumbled and the giant fanged beast emerged. The guard that tumbled into the put with Luke and Leia scrambled to the side, trying to climb up the side to escape. The Rancor moved past Luke and Leia and picked the guard up and popped him into his fanged mouth.

Ellia hands ran instinctively to her side for her lightsaber but it wasn't there, instead it hidden away from her. She sat in agony, listening to the struggle and ferocious noises bellow. She tried to block out the noises of the cheering crowd that surrounded her by closing her eyes and imagining a simpler time when she was young on Tatooine with Obi-Wan. A time when she was first learning about the Force and her Jedi powers. The Force. Ellia's head shot up and for once she forgot about her lightsaber and materialistic things and remembered what she could do on her own. 

Ellia pushed past the cheering people and looked down into the pit. Leia was pushed behind Luke as he pushed a button to open the Rancor's holding cave. Ellia looked between Luke and Leia and the Rancor, between the three Ellia noticed the heavy barred gate between the Rancor and their safety. Ellia used all of what she had, and with a quick motion, the gate came crashing down on the Rancor's head. 

A gasp was released from the stunned crowd, as the turn of events was seen. Heads turned to Jabba, who was actually turning red with anger. They all looked past Ellia, who couldn't suppress her joy.

"Bring me Solo and the Wookiee," Jabba commanded in Huttese, "They will suffer for this outrage."

Han and Chewie were brought into the throne room as other guards dragged Luke and Leia behind them. 

"Han!" Luke exclaimed.

"Luke?" Han said in a questioning tone.

"Are you alright?" Luke questioned Han.

"Fine. Together again, huh?" Han said with a small chuckle. 

"Wouldn't miss it," Leia muttered.

"How are you guys doing?" Han questioned the pair.

"The same as always," Luke shrugged. 

"That bad, huh?" Han asked with a chuckle, "Where's Ellia?"

Luke looked to Ellia in the metal bikini. "I'm here," she called out wincing at Jabba's touch on her arm.

"Oh, dear. His High Exaltedness, the Great Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately," 3PO translated for them, "All but the Princess and Madame Ellia."

"Good," Han said, "I hate long waits."

"You will be taken to the Dune Sea and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc," 3PO continued, making Ellia's heart drop, and telling by the look of Luke's face, he to knew it would be bad.

"Doesn't sound do bad," Hand said to Luke.

"In his belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over a thousand years," 3PO finished.

"On second thought, let's pass on that, huh?" Han asked, making Chewie bark in agreement.

"You should have of bargained, Jabba," Ellia spoke for the first time since her captivity, "That's the last mistake you'll ever make."

Jabba cackled evilly as this as he pulled tighter on Ellia's chains. Three guards pushed Luke, Han, and Chewie out of the door, as Leia was pushed closer to Ellia and Jabba. A loud cheer rose from the crowd as Ellia and Leia exchanged concerned glances. 

"It'll be fine," Ellia said to Leia with a weak smile, "Not exactly what we planned, but I have faith in Luke."

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