Deep Thought- True Colors

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A few weeks ago, I had one of the toughest weeks of my life

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A few weeks ago, I had one of the toughest weeks of my life. I was stressed, upset, emotionally damaged, all that good stuff. It got to the point where people started to notice that something was wrong with me (and if you know me, that is a big deal). But, believe it or not, something good did come out of all that.

When I was at one of my lowest points, I saw how people reached out to me. Now, I tend to be someone that supports others and doesn't need to be supported much at all. But the support I did receive was incredible. There were some people that, all they did was ask if I was ok and if there was anything they could do. Just that small gesture meant more to me than I imagined. But some people went beyond that. Constant support, a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear, a hand to wipe away the tears. They guarded me when I slept (literally; I fell asleep at school so many times) and kept me walking when I was awake. Those people moved mountains to keep me on my feet and I have never been more grateful.

There were also people, I learned, who didn't care at all. They were close enough to me that it was impossible not to notice. And I realized how toxic those people were to my health and perhaps part of the reason the problem existed in the first place. You'll be happy to know that I've essentially cut them out of my life. I don't need that kind of negativity anymore.

This wasn't the worst low I've been through, and I'm sure in the future there will be struggles the likes of which I could never imagine. But that's alright. Because after this, I know that the friendships I have are stronger and deeper than I knew. And I know that there are some people that aren't worth my time. As harrowing as it was, I've learned. I've grown. And there is nothing to be more thankful for.

To any of my incredible friends reading this: you know who you are. Thank you, and I love you.

May all of you out there in times of trouble remember to count on your real friends because they are a gift.


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