Chapter 34 - Us

Comincia dall'inizio

Meet at mine, you two.

X Maddy

And with that I storm down the stairs, still fuming, and out the front door, ignoring the questions directed at me as I pass McLane’s left and right.

“I’m going to Maddy’s.” I yell over my shoulder as I walk down the driveway, “Tell Claire.”

And with that I take off, running like there’s no tomorrow. I slow, once I’ve turned the corner and I’m a couple of blocks away from the McLane’s.

I feel my phone buzz again and I look at the screen to see a text message from Jake, asking me if I’m ok. I quickly text him back, telling him I’m fine before shoving my phone back into my pocket. Right now, I just need a good old talk among girlfriends. Even if they’re slightly off their rocker.

“Yep, that’s it; just put your hands on the floor on either sides of your head to support it… or your neck will snap.”

“Why are we doing this again?” Maddy asks for me as she holds my legs up against the wall, voicing my exact same thoughts.

When I finally got to Maddy’s rather than having a good old triple chocolate ice-cream and sob-worthy  movie session, I was immediately plunged into a… stranger process…

Currently, I’m upside down against a wall, blood rushing to my head as I concentrate on making sure that I ‘drain all my negative energy’ out – as Mitch said.

“My friend showed me how you can drain negative energy and anger out by standing on your head.” Mitch mumbles as she rubs my temples, a small frown on her face as she closes her eyes and channels her inner-healer.

“Okthat’senough” I sputter as I kick off the wall and let my lower body painfully fall to the ground. I close my eyes as dizziness takes over and I groan out loud, “I am never doing this again.”

“Now it’s not going to work!” Mitch whines.

“How many times have you done this before?” Maddy interrupts.

“Um… Well I watched him do it 2 or 3 times…”

“What kind of high friends are you making you crazy girl!?” There’s a loud smack and I envision Maddy slapping Mitch upside the head before pointing towards her bedroom door, “Go get the ice-cream, it’s in the freezer.”

A small smile creeps to my lips as I take a peek to see my red-head friend slump out the door dejectedly.

“Well I do feel a little better,” I mumble in Mitch’s defence, feeling sorry for her. Sure she’s absolutely mad sometimes, but that’s what I love about her.

I slowly try to get up and Maddy helps me over to her bed, her hand gripping my arm in case I topple over.

“So the infamous Matt Henders is back.” She says, flopping down next me.

I shrug, lying back next to her, “Yeah. He is.”

“So what’s the problem exactly?”

I turn my head towards her, “To tell you the truth I don’t know… It’s just been so long and all of a sudden he comes around accusing me of ‘running away’ and other random crap… I mean, it’s just all too much for one morning…”

The bed dips on my other side and I look over to see Mitch sitting cross-legged with the biggest tub of ice-cream I’ve ever seen. “Just let it out.” She says with a smile, holding out a spoon for both me and Maddy, “We’re here to listen.”

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