Chapter 9: Cliché Kisses In The Rain

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Alleen's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. It's Liam this time. I pick up. "Hello?" I say. "Hey," he says back.

"Where's Niall?" I ask

"He's here. But he's sacked out on the couch. He stayed up all night thinking about you..... He finally fell asleep at... Like 6." He says. "Why don't you come back? Don't you care? He didn't mean to say those things... He was just surprised that I fancy you " he says. I stifle a laugh.

"That's just what Eleanor said... Man, she's good....... If I didn't care I would be on a plane back to the U.S.

I've been trying to get advice from everybody I know....... I know he loves me. Deep inside my heart tells me so. It just seems like my mind doesn't agree with my heart.... The brain fools I guess. I love Niall and I'll love him until I die. I just wish that I hadn't listened in on your conversation...." I say. Liam is silent. I hear some whispers on the line. "........... He would die for you. Otherwise he wouldn't have gone to the Inn and he would have gone to bed last night....." he says after his long pause.

"Is Niall awake?" I ask.

Liam sighs a breath of relief. "Yes," he says laughing a bit.

"Can you give him the phone?" I ask. I hear the phone being rustled around. "Alleen?" I hear Niall say.

I smile a bit. "Hey," I say.


"Were you listening in on me and Liam's conversation?"

"Maybe?" He says

"Is it raining out?" I ask.

"Um.... Yeah. Like cats and dogs. Why?"

"I have an idea...... I've got to go. Bye," I say. I hang up the phone. I throw on some teal jeans and a cream colored spaghetti strap tank top

Liam's POV

I wake up at 9:30. Niall is still asleep, as is Harry. I sit up and grab my phone off of the table.

"Call Alleen," I whispered to voice control, too tired to type. It rings 3 times before she picks up. "Hello?" She says loud into the phone.

"Shh! Don't wake them up!" I whisper-yell.

"Where's Niall?" She asks.

"He's here, but he's sacked out on the couch. He stayed up all night thinking about you..... He finally fell asleep at... Like 6," I say.

Niall wakes up and rubs his eyes. I put my phone on speaker so that he can hear our conversation. "Why don't you come back? Don't you care? He didn't mean to say those things... He was just surprised that I fancy you," I say looking over at Niall. He is criss-crossed on the couch, leaning over. Alleen laughs.

"That's just what Eleanor said..."

She's with Eleanor?

"Man, she's good....... If I didn't care I would be on a plane back to the U.S.

I've been trying to get advice from everybody I know....... I know he loves me. Deep inside my heart tells me so. It just seems like my mind doesn't agree with my heart.... The brain fools I guess. I love Niall and I'll love him until I die. I just wish that I hadn't listened in on your conversation....It really hurt me to know that Niall felt that way. I know he really doesn't, but I love him so much that I believe every word he says," she says. I am silent for a minute. Niall motions to me to keep talking and Harry sits up and starts saying hi into the phone, but I cover up the speaker so no sound can get through.

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