Chapter 5: A Secret

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Alleen's POV

I open up the white door to Niall's London home and take a deep breath in. It smells just like we both left it. I turn on the lights and throw my luggage down by the tv. Niall goes into his room and sets his luggage down carefully. "It's good to be back 'home'," Niall says putting air quotes around home. I throw myself on the couch while Niall examines the contents of the refrigerator.

"Aw, man! Liam left his milk here.... Now it's spoiled," he says grimacing at the foul stench of sour milk. I laugh at his face. He laughs back.

"Hey, if you wanna smell somethin' that stinks, just smell this!" He holds his nose.

"Speaking of Liam," Niall says taking out his iPhone. He scrolls through Contacts to find Liam's number and hits call.

"Hey Liam, wassup?" He asks. I hear Liam's voice coming out of the other end but I can't understand what he is saying. "Yeah, I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over for a bit. Me and Alleen are here. You can bring the other boys if you want.... Oh Louis' at Eleanor's? Harry?? Oh ok. Later.... Eh, 20 mins.... Yeah, yeah. What about Zayn? Oh yea, Perrie's. Mkay, see ya in a few." Niall locks his phone making a clicking sound.

"Liam coming?" I ask peeking over the couch.

"Yep!" He says smiling. "I'm gunna go to the store though. I need some food!!!! Anything you want?" He asks bright eyed. "Ummm......." I get up off the couch and walk over to him. "Maybe just some Macaroni?" I ask hugging him from behind. Niall turns around and puts his hands on my hips and kisses the middle of my forehead. "You sure? You can sure eat like a pig sometimes!" He jokes. I slowly and playfully punch his chin.

"Oh yeah? Well you eat like Cookie Monster!" I whisper laugh into his ear. He squeezes me tight. "Hmmm..... I can't think of a comeback right now," he laughs. He walks away picking up his keys. "Grocery time!" He calls walking out the door.

"Be safe!!" I say as he shuts the door. I walk back to the couch and again I throw myself onto it. I flip through endless amounts if channels before I come to one of those 'Star Gossip' channels. I roll my eyes as I see endless amounts of junk gossip that the tv hosts are saying about the stars. "This is crap. Anybody would know this stuff isn't true!!" I yell at the tv. Now that I was semi-famous because I'm dating Niall, I know all the truth about the major stars. I'm friends with most of them and I could easily tell what happened in one of the stars' days. As I keep flicking I hear a small knock at the door then Liam walks in. "Anybody home?" he asks. "Liam!" I excitedly say practically jumping off the couch. I run over and hug him hard.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my youngest sister," he says winking.

"I wish," I say.

"How are you?" He asks pushing strands of hair out of my face.

"I'm good. I've been really tired lately, though. All this running around is driving me crazy!" I laugh.

"Well, same for me. The boys and I've been crazy busy, but you probably already new that," he says. "Where's Niall?"

"Went to the store. You left some of your milk here last time and it spoiled... So, if you're smelling something sour, that's most likely why."

"Whoops?" he says shrugging.

"Is Harry coming?" I ask.

"A little later. He was visiting his mum yesterday. Should be here in a few hours," he says going over to the couch. We watch tv for a while and catch up a bit. Then Niall walks in the door with his hands full.

"Oh, babe! Let me help you!" I say rushing to the scene. He gives me the top few and I set them down on the counter. I go out to the car and get some more groceries, and bring them back in.

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