||Help Needed||

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Hello everyone! So as much as I have loved and enjoyed hosting these awards this spring it's too much for me alone to host four times a year.

So I'm looking for 3 people to help me! I would like to have one person hosting one season contest.

Hosting a season contest will entail the following;

•communication with contestants (receiving entry forms, giving information about the contest, answering questions about the contest)

•entering all entry forms into the contest book in proper format during the first round

•Ranking all books in order from most to least amount of votes at the end of the second round

•Reading ALL of the top five books in they're entirety

•Choosing an overall winner at the end of round three from a non-biased viewpoint

But because I want to continue to be involved in this co test I will also read the top five books and give my opinion on who should win and I will always be available to answer any questions you may have

This will also require you to;

•Be in constant communication with me

•Be kind and understanding toward ALL contestants

•Be willing to read any books of any genre

•Be at least 15 years of age


DM me on my personal account NiallsJournal if you are interested with the following for filled out



Country Currently Residing In:

How Much Time Could You Commit To This Contest?

What Season Would You Like To Host? (Summer/Fall/Winter)

Why Do You Want To Be A Contest Host?

I will tell you on June 16th if you have been selected to host a contest or not. Thank you!! ~Hannah

The Spring 1D Watty Awards (Competition Closed) Where stories live. Discover now