The First Hello

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On April 1st, which is known for being April fool's day, they followed each other on Instagram and started liking each other's pictures. Later that day, Derek sent her a message saying: "Secret admire?" She answered with laughter, they started talking, Derek felt different, a good different. Slowly he fell in love with her. But he couldn't tell her, because he knew that if he tells her it will ruin their friendship. They talked daily for almost three weeks. When he felt he needed to come clean and confess.

He asked her:" May I confess bout something? It been sitting on my mind for almost a week."

"Of course." She replied.

So Derek said:" in the last week I started feeling something when we talk. Something I never felt before."

"Is it a good feeling?" Khloe asked and continued, "this feeling you are talking about, makes you smile for no reason like it makes me when we talk?" Derek was shock because she was right. "Yes..." he answered. "Do you know what does it mean?"

"It's love." she answered. Derek was a bit confused. But he knew his feeling was real. So he told her that he is in love with her and she replied:" I'm in love with you too."

So they started talking, for a while, seeing each other in school, smiling and feeling the love in the air. Until summer came and Derek was supposed to graduate from high school. Khloe felt so bad because she won't see him anymore. But Derek promised her that he will find a job in the school, to keep seeing each other.

In mid-summer, Khloe flew away for the whole summer break. They didn't talk to each other, and meanwhile Derek started writhing couple of poems and song about her. He wrote a poem called "Khloe" by her name.

"You're the one I can't live without

This fact is true, I have no doubt
I love the way you smile at me
I love the way together we're free
You may be strange and slightly loony
But all this means nothing to me
Because you are who you are
And I can see your beauty
Inside and out
Which is what threw me

When every day I see you
Till then I cannot wait
To know what we will go through
Are in the hands of fate
The first time that I saw you
I knew I must steal your heart
I hope that it's mine forever
And that we never do part

You are the one I love the most
And to this here fact I propose a toast;
May we grow old and still have fun
Because I love you and my heart you've won"

Two months has passed, finally Derek's plan to see Khloe, has begun. But suddenly it wasn't according to plan. She was stressed bout school, exams, and had almost no time for Derek. After almost two months of seeing Khloe, she decided to do something different. She couldn't handle the pressure. Khloe mentally crashed. Derek tried to help with no use, so Khloe came up with the idea of taking it slow, and try to talk for once or twice a month.

Derek was a bit shocked, they used to talk every day, and that change was a bit hard on him. But he knew that it will be good for her. he did it for her. For about three months, they talked once and twice a month, but Khloe didn't feel the same. Derek puts on her so much pressure, but she didn't tell him.

In January, when they talk, Derek sent her his poem. He was thrilled to know what her reaction will be. But surprisingly, Khloe cried. Not happy tears, but a mental breakdown tears. She couldn't handle it; she decided to take a break from Derek. Derek was crushed. He asked her: "Why? Did I do something bad?"

"No" she replied, "You are perfect, it's me who is a mess." Khloe couldn't even try to explain, she was devastated. So was Derek, but he felt again, that if what she wants will regenerate her, and instead of falling down, she will rise. He said no problem. He will wait for her for eternity. Khloe didn't know what to say, and she ended the conversation.

Derek was crushed, he felt dead from the inside, he felt he did something wrong but didn't know what. He tried to talk to his sister, but she didn't know the problem. So he approached to one of his best friends, Jessie Hamilton, a 22 years old phycology student, who knew Derek and his family very well for almost 8 years. Derek explained the situation to her. Jessie told him that Khloe is confused, because its your first time, and she is afraid, and so as you.

- Afraid of what? Derek asked.

- "She is afraid of the whole situation and afraid of losing you, and you are afraid that she will leave because you know that you cant handle it."

Derek was confused. "Maybe she is right". He wondered.

After a month with no talking to Khloe, late in march, Khloe sent him a message, that she is sorry, for what happened, and that she wants to talk to Derek when he will arrive home. Later that day, they talked. Derek was thrilled to finally talk to his love, but Khloe had a different idea. She broke up with him. Derek didn't know how to respond. He broke down and started to cry. Khloe was hurt too, but she knew inside of her that it would never work.

Derek said to Khloe:" Thank you for everything you taught me. I love you deeply, and I will always will... I hope you will have a happy life..."

Khloe responded:" I'm sorry, its not you, its me..". Derek was devastated. His heart broke. Yet, he took all the blame on himself. Till he will know the real reason. She let him go, but he couldn't.


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