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"Mom, I'm ready for school!" Mana Yamada laughed running to her mother, Shinobu, her feet pattering across the hard wood floors.
Mana ran over to the door opened it and slipped on her cute red shoes.
"Mana-chan! Don't forget your lunch!"
"Oh! Thanks, Mom, I nearly forgot!"
Mana took off her shoes again and slid the door closed. She walked quickly to the kitchen and took her lunchbox.
"Bye!" She ran out of the door and slipped her shoes back on and took off on her bike to school.

She tied her bike to a pole using her red ribbon so she wouldn't mistake her bike for another students and keep it from moving.

"Mana-chan! It's good to have you here today!"

"Thank you very much Hamakawa-Sensei." Mana said bowing.

"You look very pretty today Mana-chan!"

"Thank you Hamakawa-Sensei! Baba made this dress for me and sent it from Osaka! Isn't it neat?"

"Yes, your oba-chan is very talented." (Idk if I used the right honorific here tbh -_- )

Mana smiled at her teacher and walked inside slipping off her shoes. She put her bright red shoes in the small cubby next to her friends'.

"Ah! Look Mana-chan's here."

"Tsutomu-kun! Hello!"

"Hehe, 'Sup?"

"Oh, nothing much jus-"

"It's time for class!" Mrs. Hamakawa said.

"Yay!" The class cheered,

"What are we doing first?" A boy, Sin'ichi, with a shaved head in the back asked.

"Ooh! Tell us a story!" A girl with long brown hair wearing a white dress, named Satchiko said.

"Tell us a story about fairies!"

"Ew! No! Tell us a scary story!"

"Eeh!" Multiple girls exclaimed.

Mana giggled at the situation.

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