Chapter 1

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Earth is a pretty mysterious place by itself. But are there other worlds? Well of course! Way above heaven is the place where all the fairies live. All. And of course they're like humans. They fall in love and get hurt like us. As most of us say,two opposites attract. But is that also the case in Fairy World?
                            {Jungkook's POV}
The same old. Being a teenager sucks. Yeah sure I live in such a magical place but it's like living on Earth. We still got school. Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jeon Jungkook,the fairy of love. As expected, I express love. I don't really have such a big group of friends though. My best friends are Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok. Hoseok is the fairy of hope and Jimin is the fairy of  happiness. We've all known each other for a while. In my school, not all us fairies are positive. For example, Min Yoongi is one commonly avoided. Min Yoongi, or Suga as he prefers to go by, is the fairy of hate. He always has some rude comment to say,no matter how hard you try to be as polite as you can to him. Approach him and you'll probably be pushed or be teased for any little thing. Well,that's what my friends told me. Suga usually hangs out with Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung. Namjoon and Taehyung are also fairies of hatred,which surprises me. I thought Taehyung would be a kind fairy,well due to his looks that make him look as kind as it gets. Moving on, my friends and I are at lunch. I just picked on my food. "Whatcha thinking about?"Jimin asked in curiosity. "Well... I kinda wanna approach Suga. Maybe he isn't that bad..." I say as I look at my fingers. "You can NOT be serious." Hoseok says as he rolls his eyes. I nodded my head before getting up and walking with my lunch to Suga and his friends. And being the klutz I am, I had accidentally spilled my lunch all over Suga. "Oh my god! Suga I'm rea-", I quickly got cut off by Suga standing up and glaring at me. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all...

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