Chapter 01: The Home-Coming Dance (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"This is creepy." I finally managed. "How do I know that you're not some sort of psycho-stalker?"

He frowned. The book promptly disappeared. "I don't understand why all you humans have to be the same. I'm not some crazy stalker. Quite frankly, I have better things to do with my time. I'm your fairy godfather." Now, it was my turn to burst out laughing. Not moved, he added, "I'm serious."

"I know that you are! That's what makes this so... damn... funny!" Did he actually believe that he was a fairy? He certainly didn't look like any fairy that I'd ever seen.

"What? Did you expect me to be all of six inches tall and have cute little fairy wings? I'm afraid that that sort of garbage is for fairytales. We're built for strength, power, and endurance."

"Then what's with the wand?" I couldn't help but asking.

He sighed, tossing it up into the air as if it were a baton. "Doesn't really do much. It just comes with the territory, that's all. I do all my magic free-hand, nowadays."

"So there was a time that you did use the wand?"

"Of course." He nodded, as if this were the most obvious thing in the world. "We all do, a one point."

I started to laugh again, prompting him to roll his eyes. He mumbled a few words underneath his breath and the wand vanished into thin air. Next thing you know, he'd be doing card tricks. All of a sudden, the distance between us little more than imaginary, he reached up to touch my face. I flinched away, the laughter suddenly gone, but he moved in once again, letting his magic spread over my skin and fix the make-up that had been ruined by my tears. And when he drew back his hand, I could feel the magic slowly withdraw. It was an odd feeling and I missed it almost as soon as it left.

"I just realized... I never asked your name." I told him, but my voice seemed to be carried off by the wind.

"It's Edward." He snapped, his tattered jeans and hoodie transforming into an expensive white suit, complete with a blood-red rose over his left breast. "But do me a favor and call me Eddie. And I'm here to take you to your home-coming dance."


Eddie led me into the gym, his arm interlocked with mine, and together we made our way over to the table that I had had reserved for Darren and myself. There were two extra seats available, so Eddie could take one. Upon arriving at the table, I immediately noticed that my best friend, Claudia, had already arrived and had claimed her seat. She looked rather homely in her dark pink ankle-length gown, which seemed like it would have had a good run in the 1940s. It hung off her body like a burlap sack would have, and her simple nude-color flats certainly didn't help matters at all.

"You look beautiful!" Claudia exclaimed, already out of her seat before I could fully claim mine. She threw her arms around my shoulders and squeezed for all that she was worth.

"Thanks." I felt better now that we were actually in the building, but the fact that Darren's seat was still empty didn't manage to escape unnoticed. "You look nice too."

"Oh, this old thing? It was my mother's. She practically insisted that I wear it. In other words, she wasn't about to let me out of the house in what I wanted to wear."

Her Ma certainly was one hell of an interesting character. Almost as interesting as my Ma. "Where's Darren?" I asked her.

"What do you mean, 'where's Darren'? He's your date!" And then, she looked over, noticing Eddie for the first time, "Unless... that bastard stood you up, didn't he?"

"I take it he hasn't arrived yet." But I could barely be heard above Claudia's screeches.

"I warned you about him, Amor. But you didn't listen to me. Look where it's gotten you now! Oh, you poor thing. You poor, poor thing..." by now, she had lost her momentum and looked utterly sad.

I'm In Love With My Fairy Godfather (Temp. On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now