4// Kιll oғ тнe nιgнт

39 7 12

      Thanks for reading! I really hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Please share your thoughts!

The song attached is what Robin Sings ^.^


- Giant Squid


  I tightened my grip on my spear, making a small fire appear on my palm for light. The Night was our friend, hiding us from the vile creatures. It's times like these when Obliques' night vision finally came in handy. Well, not that I've ever had to encounter zombie-like creatures ever before.

      Shamblers, that's what I'm calling them. They shamble around, moaning like sex addicts. The nearest Shambler was getting closer and closer, while we stood still waiting for someone else to make the first move.

    I could hear Robin starting to sing a song by Gin Wigmore with her enchanted voice, slowing the Shamblers down to the best of her ability. Her voice was like a siren's song; it could make you do things without realizing. The sound seemed to make their bodies sluggish, "The street's a liar, I'm gonna lure you in the dark, my cold desire, to hear the boom, boom, boom of your heart."

          I hadn't actually fought in years; there was no need to until now. I was rusty and my skills needed brushing up on. Letting out a quiet sigh, I charged towards the horde of beasts. Miles, Robin, and Ethan sprung into action behind me, starting their lethal assault.

          I grabbed my spear with both hands, spinning it quickly to drive the revolting creatures away and kicking the Shamblers away before jabbing their chests. Their ghastly grins showed that it wasn't effective enough. Mid-attack, I started throwing small fireballs at the five that surrounded me; slowed them down, but it wasn't enough.

"The danger is I'm dangerous, and I might just tear you apart, Oh, ah, oh."

         The nearest one grabbed my hair with his bony, crumbling hand, pulling roughly. It appeared as if they somehow acquired superhuman strength after turning. Angrily, with adrenaline rushing through me, I whipped my spear back to cut off his arm.

        Unfortunately, my skills not being what they used to be, I accidently scratched my back with the other end adorned with sharp glass due to the force. Ignoring the dull pain, I ducked and proceeded to swipe at another Shambler's legs, rolling away before the black sludge could hit me.

           Three of them made a clumsy grab for me, pulling on my clothes and baring their rotting teeth. I used my spear to hit the back of one of their knees, causing them to fall over and leaving an opening to cut their head off.

            The Shamblers behind me stilled for a second before charging towards me more aggressively. They let out a thundering roar, their sharp nails glistening in the light of the fire I was throwing at them.

          "I'm gonna catch ya, I'm gonna get ya, get ya, oh, ah, oh, I wanna taste the way you bleed, oh, you're my kill of the night," Robin's captivating voice carried quietly through the air, affecting what little brains they had to work slower.

           It wasn't affecting us because she was controlling the persuasion. It was her gift. The Shamblers looked dazed with a few seconds before continuing their onslaught, buying all of us more time to gather our thoughts and plan a proper assault.

        A Shambler with matted light curly hair broke past and barreled towards me, growling loudly and swiping her hands. She launched herself at my neck, squeezing tightly with a sickening grin, which looked creepy since her mangled face was void of anything else. I clawed at my neck, struggling to push it away. Through the smell of putrid flesh, I could smell a familiar faint rose scent. I brushed it off and burned her arm, her grip loosening enough for me to escape and behead her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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