Chapter 8: Double Trouble

Start from the beginning


Is it that my mouth stinks? Oh God, not again. I groan and cover my mouth with my hands. I blow out and smell. No, not my breath.

I sigh, relieved that I wasn't my breath and turn ready to give him the stink eye.

He is looking at me though, with an amused look on his face.

My face heats up and he laughs out loud, frightening the cook, who, in shock drops a bottle of milk on the floor.

He recovers from his shocked state and quickly starts to wipe up the spills on the floor. I turn away from Druce, extremely embarrassed after flipping him the bird.


We ate about an hour ago. It was delicious. The man, whose name I found out to be is Jeff, is an amazing chef.

I swear I licked my ten fingers. Jeff was delighted that the 'luna' liked his cooking.

I told him my name wasn't Luna but Gemma, he refused to call me by my name though.

He insisted then on calling me Luna Gemma, I am still a bit upset about it. The man was very demanding, in a polite way of course.

He shook in fear whenever Druce looked at him and I don't see why. Druce is like a big, fluffy teddy bear to me.

He glared at when I mistakenly said that, and I kind of had a feeling of what the others feel almost every day, or whenever they come in contact with him.

I realize that he doesn't have to talk to get the people here to be afraid of him. One look was enough to leave them shivering in their boots. I feel bad for them.

He doesn't look at me like he does the others in his pack. And not to forget Aunt May and Julie, his aunt and cousin respectively.

I haven't asked about his parents as yet. Actually, he never did mention them before.

Although that's understandable, he hardly even talks. I will have to pry it out of him.

We are in his office again. He is going through a number of papers he found on his desk when we first arrived.

I am busily searching the rows and rows of books he has on a shelf in the corner of the room. My fingers run over their spines and I stops at one, pulling it out.

The book is called 'California Connection'. I read the blurb and I smile excitedly. I turn towards Druce, waving the book in the air to catch his attention. He looks up ant me cocking his brows questioningly.

"Do you mind?" I ask and he shakes his head no. I smile happily and walk over to the couch and takes a seat.

I open the book and turn to the prologue.

"California Jewel- Who the hell would name their child some shit like that? That's the first question that comes to mind when someone hears my name. Jewel, the name I actually went by, was given to me by my grandmother. She said I was more precious to her than a priceless stone. Now, California, that shit came from my whore- ass momma. She named me California because I was the product of a one-night stand she had in California.

Although I hated the name, as reckless as it seemed, I was damned if any other name was more appropriate. California described me perfectly. Just like the state of California, I was full of sunshine. My pussy was wetter than a ripe California orange. I was definitely Hollywood when it came to my divalicious attitude, wanting what I want when I want it. But if you ever tried to cross me, I'd become more dangerous than the LAPD. To say the least, I was off the Richter, like a California earthquake which would know exactly what I meant".

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