I got Tagged! (1)

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Tagged by PillaChan0411 Thanks dude, cause I never got tagged before yay XD

Okay so here goes o3o

1. Converse. FK HEELS. I find it pretty easy to walk in but dude, the heel of your foot is like WOOP UP TO THE SKY and then your toes is like woooooh down to the depths of hell. Like no. Please.


3. Instagram >:3 Facebook is hard to use for me and it's more of an autobiography about yourself or something. I like posting photos and being weird in Insta.

4. Summer. I love going swimming and sometimes I want a quiet afternoon of everyone sleeping and me either going on the internet, lying on the bed while using my phone, reading a book, origami or drawing. Eyy.

5. Tomboy. I hate makeup.

6. I can't dance so sing, even though I hate singing in front of people. I sing when I'm alone or when I'm at the shower.

7. Eating. I hate going outside and making my legs ache and whenever I go shopping, I feel like I'm falling apart.

8. Sleeping. Even though I sleep at 11-12 in school days and 1-5 am in weekends.

9. Blue. Pink is too overrated.

10. McDonald's. I don't get KFC that much and I love chicken selects and chicken nuggets.

So that's it! And I tag anybody who's reading this >:3 Unless you have done this already.

- LollipopNeko

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