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Season  27, Episode 21, Simprovised :

"It's okay, it's okay, everyone is terrified of public speaking. But just in case, I'll defrost a failure ham."

- Marge Simspon


Smithers after Burns finishes his speech:  "Haha funny, and Handsome. And I hear he's loaded."


"This is the best kind of comedy, no writers."

- Marge Simpson


"Don't you get it? The secret to life has been right in front of you all along: Don't be yourself !"

- Homer Simpson


Lovejoy's bible puppet: "Hey reverend, why didn't the dinosaurs make it on Noah's ark?"

Lovejoy: "Oh I give up."

Lovejoy's bible puppet: "Because they didn't exist !"


"Desperate times call for desperate measures, i'm getting a helium balloon! That makes anyone funny ! Be right back !"

- Lisa Simpson


Moe: "Who's Del Close ?"
Homer: "Only the author of the best book I intend to read some day."


"Hello, I gathered you here because I have an important announcement: this is the last episode of The Simpsons. It's been a great run- Just Kidding ! The Simpsons will never end ! Now I've told you two lies !"
- Homer Simpson


"I drive a hybrid, which is a combination of old and terrible."

- Homer Simpson


"It only lasted three minutes like eating cheeseburgers and making love."
- Homer Simpson

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