Goodbye, Grace

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The poem in inspired by Linda Pastan's memorable poem The Five Stages of Grief...  

Goodbye, Grace

You’ve made up your mind

To leave your past behind

You are moving on

Easily, swiftly

I can see it in your eyes

As you walk away

Into the night

Those words lingering in the air

Goodbye, Grace

I wonder what this means

Did you just walk out on me?

On us?

Did our forever just turned to never?

I stared, I glared, I seethed at the door

The door that dared close behind you

Night turned to dawn, I didn’t budge

Nor did the door

You, didn’t walk back in

I ran errands for your arrival

Baked. Cooked. Cleaned.

Your favorite pie. Pasta on sauce. Your morning coffee.

Oh! The toast burnt a little, I apologize

I was a little pre-occupied.

I jolt awake in the night

The air just got chillier

Wasn’t this the mid-summer?

Or was that three months ago,

the day the damn door closed behind you?

Something perfect’s in the closet

Your favorite woolen shirt

Still smells of you,

It’s faint, but it’s you

And there’s the bottle of Old Spice on the cabinet

The towel still lays on the floor

Where you threw it that morn

You are as careless today, I hope…

Or is it different?

Have you changed? Are you…happier?

Do you also tell her about ‘forever’?

I think the clouds are clearing, yes, its clearer now

I remember

It was raining that night

And you had made up your mind

To leave your past behind, to leave me behind

The dreaded words were heard

‘We need to talk’

I tried to stall, ‘How about dinner first?’

Oh then I saw it, it had me undone

That look in your eyes!

Nothing but pity for your wife

I stood tall, smiled my bravest smile

I laugh alone now, thinking of your fidgeting hands,

Your eyes cast down, a frown on your brow when you said

Things just aren’t the same

Hadn’t been for a while I had noticed

There was no Honey, I’m home

No Missed you the whole day

I daren’t ask what’s wrong

In fear to hear, ‘YOU’

I smiled when you said

‘It’s not you, it’s just me’

Oldest line in the book

And you were so easily off the hook

Move on Grace they say

It’s not worth it

I know, I yell

But here I am, same old plain


Waiting by the door,

Yes, the same one YOU closed behind

Still waiting here to hear

I’m home, Grace… 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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