3 | His coins

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"Tina, maybe you should go back home now." I opened my eyes rubbing them.

"No, mum." I yawned and looked up at the clock situated on the wall behind my mother. It was 11:45 PM, which meant I should've been home a long time ago, sleeping.

I sighed and looked at my mum, she looked sad and weak. "I won't leave you hear alone." I smiled at her and held her hand.

"You won't sleep comfortably here, I can call someone to come get you." She tried sitting up but I pushed her back down.

When she said she had someone to come get me, she either meant one of her clients or another one of her junkie friends.

I shook my head and held onto her hand tighter. "And leave you alone here? It's fine mummy I don't want to leave you." I whispered.

I loved moments like these. When my mum showed how much she cared, although it was just sleep, she still showed her caring about my comfort and that meant something to me.

"I really don't deserve you.." Sadness dripped with every letter she let out. My mother was too attached with her own satisfaction that she barely ever cares if I'm satisfied. This is why I cherished moments like this, moments when she realises how shitty she is.

I smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat." I opened the hospital curtains and continued my way to find the cafeteria.

My mums bed was in a big room with a lot of patients, the beds were separated by light blue curtains. The space available to us was very tiny, but we couldn't afford getting her a private room.

I smiled at my mums nurse as I was about to walk by her to the lifts she put her hand and stopped me. "Hey ma'am, your mums expenses have been covered by a friend and the hospitals pharmacy called us about getting your mums medication. They should be here shortly." She smiled moving her short legs down the hallway.

I ran after her and got a hold of her. "What do you mean? Who paid for this?" I wondered as she turned around to face me.

"The man wants to remain unknown, I'm sorry I can't help you." She frowned and pushed my hand off her shoulder.

"So it's a man?" I wondered and she just nodded walking away.

I pushed the button to go up to the cafeteria but I can't help think who this might be? Maybe it was one of the guys my mum had over. He probably felt guilty for giving her the opportunity to overdose and decided to stop by and pay for the damage. Yeah, that was probably it. It made sense.

I walked into the cafeteria, extremely satisfied with the news. I went over to the buffet and gave the women my card.

"I was just wondering if I could change this for some loose change? I want something from the vending machine." I asked politely as I handed her the card that was given to me from the hospital. The food didn't look appetising at all, it looked disgusting and I didn't feel like eating too much.

"Sure dear, I'll give you two dollars in coins." She went to the back to get the change and I just tapped my fingers on the counter waiting for her.

I looked over to the vending machine thinking what I should get. She came back with a two dollar coin.

"Thanks." I smiled as I took the coin walking away.

I hummed to myself as I put it in the vending machine. I clicked 4J and waited for my maltesers to pop out but they didn't. I looked around the machine trying to move or hit it. I thought maybe the candy was stuck.

There was no use, so I attempted to get my change back but every time I pushed the button nothing came out.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I whispered to myself.

There was no use in trying anymore, I went back to the lady to ask her for more change. She refused saying she couldn't help me with anything.

I slumped my shoulders and walked back to machine only to bump into Mr. Businessman.

"Hey, why the long face? Your mum not doing okay?" He wondered as he got closer to me. He looked happy which meant his brother was probably okay.

"She's fine, but I just lost my only change to the stupid vending machine." I said holding my stomach to show him I was hungry.

He chucked and grabbed my hand, "here let me get you something, what do you want?" He popped his one dollar coin in the machine and looked at me.

"Maltesers." I whispered pointing at the candy. I looked like a little girl in a candy story.

He pressed 4J and the maltesers popped out and flew down to the tray at the bottom of the machine.

"What?" I looked at him in disbelief. "This machine just ate my coins! How is it working for you?" I asked him bending down to take my candy.

"Magic." He grinned and put another coin into the vending machine.

"Well thanks for this." I said waving my candy. "I appreciate it." I smiled and walked away.

"No problem, beautiful." I heard him loudly say as I was walking away.

Beautiful? Seriously? Ew. He did not want to get involved with me.

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