Looking Back

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Looking back on middle school now that it's summer vacation I realized that out of all three years, 8th grade was the hardest for me. It caused me more stress than any other grades, granted there were some high points example 1; I always looked forward to French cause it had fun times in it and friends from different houses, and example 2 is six flags.

However, friends is mostly what happened in these 3 years. I made more friends than I lost friends however I did mourn the death of a friendship that I thought would last a lifetime. We always talked about how we would always be there for eachother no matter what and that we'd have eachothers backs. Now, We barely talk and it feels like the person that knows me the most is now on the other sude of the world. I know what people are going to say 'Teresa, get over it. Its nothing.' but imagine hearing that your best friend has been found dead and that they were brutally murdered after you both texted eachother 'See ya tomorrow' and you had plans ti hang out that day. You'd probably be bawling right? Well thats what it feels like to me. Someone telling me my best friends were brutally murdered. If you happen to be the friend I'm talking about and your reading this, I just want to say I miss our late night conversations and coming over to your house almost everyday. I miss being able to talk to you about the small thibgs that seem like no big deal but are to me.

Okay now on a somewhat happier note i guess, I have realized that my true friends that are people that I've been friends with since 6th, 7th, 8th, or all grades and some from grade school. Honestly you guys were there for me at the hardest times and I really appreciate it. It shows that you guys are the ones to keep close and the ones who would hunt down anyone who hurt me and I would do the same for you.

If you have a favorite memory you can comment here if you want

Okay Im gonna stop now so I don't cry and have to explain to mom why I was crying at 5:25 in the morning. Bye.

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