Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

*Liam's POV*

Andy pulled away from kissing me outside the changeroom and I gasped. "W- why did you do that? What if Harry saw - "

"Shh, Liam. Don't worry about Harry anymore. You have other things to worry about now. You have ME now," Andy said and blew some hypnose powder on me. I really hated it when he did that. It completely let him control me. It's the reason why I broke up with Harry and left. I didn't want to do it, but I had to.

I gritted my teeth and tried holding my breath so I wasn't under his control anymore. But he blew some more on me and I couldn't hold my breath any longer. I breathed in some of the powder and coughed.

Andy just smirked at me and pulled me in the changeroom. "Come on, Liam. Get changed. And forget about Harry. He doesn't mean anything to you anymore. You don't love him anymore," he said to me and I tried scowling at him, but couldn't.

I still love Harry, you douche! You can't make me stop loving him! I tried yelling that to him, but couldn't still. Andy smiled evily at me and said, "Get changed, Liam. We have to get to the academy in time for the gathering. We need you to lead us in this operation, like you've been doing for the past week."

I started changing myself out of my football jersey to my casual clothes. Then Andy pulled me to his car and pushed me against it, kissing me fiercely. I tried pulling away like last time, but I ended up leaning into him and kissing him back. This feels so wrong. I just want Harry to kiss me. Just Harry. I miss him.

Andy finally pulled away, smirking and said, "I know you wanna yell at me, but you can't. I control you now, Liam. And I'm enjoying it very much. I've wanted you for so long, Liam, but Harry just got in the way. But now that you broke up with him, I can be with you. He can't do anything about it, because he thinks you moved on with me. Isn't that nice? He even saw us snog back there. He looked pretty heart broken, if you ask me."

"You a**hole!" I said through clenched teeth.

"That may seem like it, but I'm doing this for your own good. He was gonna hurt you sometime. I see he already has though. He bit you and you let him," he said, glaring at the bite mark on my neck.

"So what if I did? I lo-... I lov- Why can't I say that?!" I said in frustration.

He chuckled and pushed me in his car. He walked to the driver's side and started it. "Because I don't want to hear you say such a lie and mistake. You'll see, Liam. I'm doing it as a favour."

"It's not a lie nor a mistake! I do lov- You know! I really do feel that way about him," I said angrily, but my face stayed emotionless. Damn this hypnose powder!

Andy tightened his grip on the steering wheel as he drove to the Academy. I hated going there. Andy has been making me train there for the past week. It hurt like hell, but he kept making me continue. He even took me on duty before. I killed my first vampire looking emotionless, but really felt regret and guilty for it. I really hate Andy right now.

"You don't love him. Trust me. You just think you do. How could you love someone like that?" Andy said as we arrived at the Academy.

"I do. And he's that important and special to me," I said through clenched teeth and he pulled me out.

"That's why we have to kill him even sooner. We can't have you being in love with the enemy, now can we...Leader?" Andy said, smirking and pulling me inside the hell-of-an Academy.


*Harry's POV*

We let Niall leave to go to the Academy, but we made him promise to tell us everything that happened.

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