Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"You don't have to be sorry. They're right about me. I am dangerous," Harry said, looking me in the eyes.

I blinked at him in confusion and tilted my head a bit to the side. "You are?" I asked stupidly. I always say what's on my mind. Evem when I shouldn't. It's just who I am. I don't have anything to hide.

Harry slowly nodded and said sadly," Yeah...but I wouldn't want to put you into any danger. I care too much about you. I wouldn't dare hurt you. I don't think your friends get that about me."

I was still confused. "Well they're not exactly acting as my friends right now, are they? And what do you mean by 'dangerous'?" I was just curious.

He stared at me for a bit, before he sighed and looked away again. "You're gonna hate me for anwering this, but.......I can't tell you. Not now, at least. You can go ahead and leave me now, if you want. You can even be mad at me for saying that stupid answer, but I had to say it."

I continued to stare at him in confusion, and decided to let it go. "It's okay, Harry. You don't have to tell me now. I understand. We don't know each other yet anyways," I said.

He looked back at me and looked confused himself. "You're not mad at me?" he asked.

"No. Harry, I don't expect you to tell me everything about you when we don't know much about each other yet. We can always do that starting today after school," I said to cheer him up.

"Yeah, you're right. I can't wait for after school," Harry said, smiling at me and getting out of the car. I followed suit and we headed back into the school.

We still have the rest of our classes to go through before going to his house. I can't wait for that either...


 *Harry's POV*

Liam and I walked to our next class and I cheekily bugged him about getting back in time from the cafe. He scoffed, making me laugh, and he said that if he was driving, we would have come earlier.

"We came just in time, Li. Stop worrying about it. I bet half the class isn't even in there yet," I said, grinning at him.

He blushed and looked away from me. "What?" I asked.

"You called me 'Li'. No one's called me that before. Well, actually Niall calls me 'Li-Li', but that's different...and embarassing, now that I think about it. Ignore that part," Liam said quite nervously and awkwardly chuckling to himself.

I smiled, finding that quite cute. "Sorry about that; it just slipped. I won't call you that again if you don't want me to," I said, also nervously. The way he makes me feel...

Liam smiled back and said, "No, it's okay if you call me that. It's a nice change."

We walked into class and I was right; there were only 5 other students in the class. Liam and I took our regular seats: front, left corner; with me behind him.

Liam turned around to face me after he sat and asked, "Sorry for being nosey, but how come Louis and Eleanor aren't with you? You're all usually together, aren't you?"

I stiffened a bit and looked away from him when I answered. "I didn't want to be the third wheel today; that's all." I looked back to him and he looked like he didn't believe me. I don't want him to think I'm a liar already! I want him to trust me and everything. But I don't want him to worry about my problems; he shouldn't have to.

Liam was still silently staring at me, but then he said, "Okay."

Wait. That's it? He's not mad or annoyed with me for not telling him the truth? "Liam...I'll tell you," I said.

Irresistible [Lirry] EDITING!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ