Club a Little Here and There and Then..

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing sweetheart? I just wanna play." he slurred and i knew that he was too drunk to know what was going on.

"please stop!" i said while still struggling to get off of him.

One moment he was trying to fiddle with my private parts and the next moment i know he is being dragged off of the dance floor. At first I thought it was my brother, he is very protective over me if you haven't noticed, but as it started to get clearer i had no idea who was dragging me off of the dance floor. i started to panic and stop him, but like the last guy he was too strong for me and actually stronger then the last guy. I kept think of what was going to happen, but all he did was take me to a quite place in the club.

"thank you for helping me." i said nervously.

"don't mention it." his voice was sexy and once he turned around i realized that he was the guy from my dream. I also realized that my hair was standing up, static was around us and the it hit me. Once he saw my eyes widen he smirked at me.

"you finally figured it out cupcake. didn't you?" I couldn't say anything. I was too speechless. i don't want a mate. i don't want him. i'm happy how i am.

you want him and you know it.

shut up. shut up. shut up... i wasn't asking you

you don't have to ask me i know it and he knows it so just admit it.

stupid inner wolf always saying i'm wrong and don't know what I want.

"well beautiful. now that you added it all up I'm-" before he could finish I ran as fast as i could away from him. i know he was chasing me cause i felt him behind me and he was gaining fast. the only thing he didn't know was that i was the fastest were in my pack and had great agility. In no time i was outside and headed to the woods with him a couple 10 feet away from me. I reached the edge of the forest and shifted into my wolf... good thing i have extra clothes in my car... and ran as fast and as far away as i could from him. but it still wasn't fast enough.

you should stop trying cause no matter how far you run or fast i will find you.

no no no no... i can't have a mate.. no

sorry sweetheart, but you know it and i know it...

just that statement made me run faster.. or i thought, but i started to get tired and he took that to his advantage. one moment i was on my feet and the next moment i was pinned to the ground.

well... as i was saying before hand, i'm Alpha Greenwood, but you can call me Xavier.  I tried to struggle out of his hold but he was too heavy and was letting me tire myself out.

are you done love? and i let out a low growl as a sign of that I gave up.

good.. now i have something to tell you. that so called 'dream' you had.. wasn't a dream. i was there for your brother and i was the one who made you sleep. I had to meet you and i didn't want you to remember.

why would you do that? i don't want a mate and i don't want you!

you say that now but thats not what your wolf is telling you..

i don't care what she is telling me. i know in my head that i don't want one.

give it time pet.

DON'T CALL ME THAT i growled..

little fiesty aren't we now?


nothing left to say ay? well allow me.. i'm kidnapping you and your little friends and brother aren't going to know it. once we are on my territory no one is to know about you until you accept me. Until you accept me as your mate. You will be known as a friend to my pack. oh and by the way.. clean up the attitude were going to be together for a life time.

how are you going to get me to go with you? before i could respond to what was happening, i noticed that he shifted and i heard something click..

did you just collar me?

"Yup" he said popping the p.. "now you can't get that far away from me without that tightening up on your pretty little neck.

but what about my car, clothes, friends, whats going to happen..

"well.. i had some of my pack members bring your car to my place, text your friends that you went home earlier andddd i have clothes for you at my place." after he said that he had a sickenly smile on his face.. "and if i were you i would shift." he said handing me a shirt.

with you watching.. not in your wildest dreams.

"fine.. i'll look away." and with that i took his shirt in between my teeth and hid behind the trees to change. once i came out he motioned me to take his hand. of course i obliged.

"fine.. be that way too. you'll come around. i know it." again with the smirking..

i really didn't have a choice being collared since i couldn't get that far away from him without getting hurt. so i had no choice, but to follow him as much as i didn't like the idea.

"don't worry sweetheart.. we will have fun" and he said that with a wink of course. I tried to contact my brother about the situation but i was interupted when he spoke up. "oh about you mind link.. it doesn't work with the collar on.. sorry babe."

can this get any worse?





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