Special Chapter: 'I'm No Channing Tatum, More Like Chandler Bing.'

Start from the beginning

I felt anger flare up at his words. Yes, I had strong feelings for my best friend but I never once expected anything from her apart from her comforting company and witty humour. Dina and Lucy were pretty amazing too when they wanted to be so if anything I was the one wondering why they were still friends with me. I didn't want 'some'. Well, I did but I wasn't going to manipulate my friends, who were too smart for that as well by the way, in order to have a quick fumble when I could take care of that little problem myself. NOT LITTLE! I MEANT NOT LITTLE! It's a BIG...kind of big problem!

"I'm not in this 'friendzone' that you're talking about," I spoke up, no trace of a smile on oh so pretty his face. "I have enough respect for girls not have an ulterior motive and even if I was in love with one them, which after they treat me is not possible, then I would have the guts to tell them with no expectations of anything in return. I'm not into the whole secretly pining malarkey."

So the last bit was kind of a lie but I would eventually tell Sophia how I felt. One day when I know I'm strong enough to look her in the eye and listen to her say I'll only ever be a friend. I just needed time to deal with this in my own time because after losing my grandmother, I couldn't lose Sophia as well. It's been two years...enough now, Finn, enough.

I was too lost in my thoughts to pay attention to the fact Will, Phoebe and Leah had left or that my friends were talking about how Sophia was going to help that Drew guy.

It was stupid but I didn't want her to go see him. Not because he was better looking than me or had that whole brooding thing down but I was pissed at him for kissing her like that a few weeks ago out of the blue. The dare was only ever meant to be a laugh and he had to force himself on her – his lips, his body, his hands touching her – without even seeing if she was okay with it. It wasn't all jealously, I didn't like the thought of anyone taking advantage of her and it fucking annoyed me that he humiliated her in front of everyone. Still I trusted her to make her own decisions...she was too stubborn to listen to anyone anyway.

The rest of the evening went by in a blur with us arguing about whether Sheldon was better than Howard (um, yes!) and if Will was a dick because he actually had a small dick (the things they bring up).

I was in my small box room, in bed in the dark, as the phone on my bedside table taunted me. Despite spending the whole evening with her I wanted to speak to Sophia more, without the others there, it was different when it was just us. I loved the others girls but with Sophia there was this unmistakable understanding. I was there for her and she was there for me no matter what. It didn't matter that I hated poetry I still went to her poetry recital as I knew no-one else would go and she would hold my hand when she knew I was feeling down but probably didn't anticipate the sensation that ran through me at the simplest gesture.

It was one in the morning and I was lying in bed wanting to call her and talk to her about everything and everything. It was stupid but she made me feel better in a way no-one else ever has and so before I knew it I was ringing her. She's not going to pick up! This is so stupid! YOU'RE MORE DESPERATE THAN THE HOUSEWIVES! Hang up now...

Just as I was about to end the call I heard her sleepy voice. "Finn?" she sleepily slurred and I felt like an arsehole for selfishly waking her up. "What's up, Muffin?" she yawned.

I smiled at her saying my nickname which only she got away with. It was like this unspoken rule that only she got to call me it and I didn't even have any idea why. Okay, it might have something to do with the fact that it sounds wrong if anyone but her says it. You're so weird, you weirdo.

"I just wanted to tell you that Matt Smith is leaving Dr Who," I said trying frantically to come up with a valid excuse for calling her up so late. It seemed to have worked.

She gasped dramatically and I had to supress a smirk. "SHUT UP!" she screamed at the news which had been out for only a few hours now. "NOOOOOOOOO!" she yelped and I wondered whether she would wake her family up.

"YESSSSSSSSSS!" I sarcastically screamed back at her not caring if I woke up my parents as my room was right at the side of the house anyway.

"This best not be a prank," she warned as I snuggled down in bed with the phone clutched to my ear.

"Oh like you pranked me that time into thinking that Draco had hidden feelings for Harry?" I reminded her as I rolled my eyes at the memory.

"That was funny."

"No, it wasn't."

"It was."



I rolled my eyes. "You're so damn stubborn, Sophia."

"Only for you, Muffin," she declared and I closed my eyes to listen to her adorable little laugh that followed.

Just like that we ended up speaking for another two hours about the most mundane things yet it felt interesting and exciting because I was speaking to her about them.  I was so gone on a girl who didn't even realise how much light she brought into my dim life. It was something like...my whole world being that much better because she was in it.

She was it.

What do you of Muffin?? Did you like the chapter?? Let me know, I love reading your comments!

This kind of explains Finn's feelings a bit better (I hope!) and shows the depth of his feelings.

FeministGrrrl1001:*gets all emotional* FORGET SOPHIA, MUFFIN! PICK ME!

Finn: No.

*clears throat awkwardly* No? Fine, I'll just go with Drew then.

Drew: YES! Score! In ya face Muffin Man.

FeministGrrrl1001: Calm down, Drew, all the girls want to ride Finn's pony not yours.

Drew: *whispers* Not just the girls.

Finn: What did you say?

FeministGrrrl1001: Finn, go out with me otherwise your 'big' problem will find it self becoming small...

Finn: *groans* Not again, you crazy lady.

Drew: Look, Muffin Boy, no-one speaks to my baby like that.

FeministGrrrl1001: Drew, shut up! I'm not your lady.


Finn: What the hell is going on?!

Drew: *all emotional* I've had my heart broken, okay? You can be so insensitive. LIKE I'M A BOY WHO LOVES A GIRL WHO WRITES ABOUT OTHER BOYS ABS!

FeministGrrrl1001: Here we go again.


Finn: Can I please change books? This is freaking me out...

FeministGrrrl1001: Me too, me too.

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