Ally's Bastille Gig

197 14 7

Previously...''everything goes blank..''

''How many fingers am I holding up love?''

You open your eyes revealing some sort of medical doctor type person kneeling by you, holding her fingers in a peace sign.

''Uh..two? Wha-?'' You reply, confused.

You sit up and take a look around you. You see a dimly lit room, that looks like some sort of backstage gig venue.

''Woah, take it easy love, you've had a bad fall.'' The medical women says quickly. ''What is the last thing you can remember?''

You think for a moment and then say ''Well I was at the Bastille concert, but I can't remember anything after that.''

''Well you passed out within the first 5 minutes after the Band came on, so your friend helped the security guard lift you over the front barrier and into this room, so I could properly check you were ok.'' she says kindly.

''So I missed the gig?'' you ask, this is really weird for you

''Fraid so my love, shame innit?''

You hear voices and look up to the doorway where a familiar messy haired, cute singer named Dan is watching..

''Omg are you ok? I saw you faint in the gig earlier, so I came here straight away'' Dan says rushing over..


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