Fact Tag

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So, I was tagged by PBandJada to do a fact tag thing so...here we go!

1. My favourite colour is black
2. I am learning ukulele, guitar, and drums
3. I am a tol smol bean
4. I have a very sexy imagination
5. My favourite genre of music is rock and alternative rock
6. I like to draw
7. I plan on going to a creative arts high school
8. I am a sucker for sparkling blue eyes
9. My eyes are dark to the point where you can't see my pupils
10. I'm gay lol guys text me lmao rawr xD
11. I kind of paint
12. The nickname 'kitten'. Enough said.
13. I am mixed so I'm a tan person lol
14. I love tomato soup
15. My style of clothing is like fall out boy rock era (so uhh the era they are in atm lol)

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