Chapter 1: The Start Of A Beautiful Friendship

Start from the beginning

"Hi, can I help you?" He grins showing the white of his teeth.

It's crucial I choose my next words carefully, I have to give off the impression I'm so far out of my comfort zone I just need someone to help calm me down. "I got dragged here by my friends and they kind of ditched me." I take a small sip, letting the alcohol run down my throat.

"I know what you mean, my friend forced me to come too. Something about the bro code and how I had to follow the most important rule of all." He laughs, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"Bros before hoes?" I ask trying my best to fake a smile as he lets out a low chuckle.

"Something like that. So what's your name?" His tone gives off a hint of shyness I could never be able to fake, no matter how hard as I tried. But the tone I use next could barely register on a lie detector test. Hey, we all have our quirks.

"Aubrey." Please, don't let that name define me as a stripper.

"That's a really pretty name. Mines Blane." The man extends his hand and without hesitation I take it. He blinks a few times, taken back by the unnaturally, cold temperature my body gives off. But he pretends to shake it off and carry on with the conversation. "So, do you need any help finding your friend?" Blane asks, stepping a little closer.

"I can guarantee she's probably holding up in a alley somewhere with her tongue stuck down someone's throat by now." I roll my eyes as if this was a common thing.

"Maybe we should go look for her?" He pauses, trying to find the right words that don't make him look to inconspicuous. But I wasn't going to wait all night for him to gain his manly courage back. "In the alley." I finish his thoughts and he nods awkwardly, as if the gesture didn't suit him.

 Just by staring into his eyes, I know Blane's type. Unlike every other self thriving, cocky asshole, he was the exact opposite. He didn't cheat on girls or think a lot of himself, the only time he did was when his friends pushed him to do so. Blane was awkward but it made him cute in a way, vulnerable. He didn't have experience with dating because he had only one or two steady relationships in his life so far. He was the guy girls loved to walk all over, play with and then dump like trash on the curb. Judging by his sturdy build, he was still quite athletic but preferred not to flaunt it in the faces of people below his standers like every man on the social chain of high school. Gripping my icy, cold hand he leads me through the crowds of people and through the fire exit's doors.

 Immediately the dark room full of strobe lights is replaced by the warm feel of a single street light, bathing the back of the building in a rich, dull yellow. I scan the area for any possible bystanders as I pivot to to face Blane.

"I guess she's not out here." He mumbles, catching the spark in my eyes. Not one inch of disappointment crossing his face in the process.

"What a shame." I say sarcastically before throwing him playfully up against the solid, brick wall. Closing in on what little space we had left between us. But he pushes my back at first, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Wait, before this goes any further. How intoxicated are you?" He asks and I laugh. If only he knew the really answer to that question.

"Only slightly, but I get the feeling you don't care." The serious look he was trying to contain, slowly diminishes and I take my chances. Not giving Blane time to protest against his own self, I jump in slamming him back up against the wall.

 Immediately warmth spreads through my icy veins as his lips press against mine. I wrap my arm around his neck and pull him in closer before he can hesitate any longer. In response he entangles his hand in my hair, letting a low growl escape from deep within his throat. His body burns against my cold skin like fire and ice, fighting for the same space. I run my lips up the side of his throat but stop at the sight of a thin scar that trails along the width of his collarbone. "Where did you get that scar from?" I ask as I pull away from him.

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