the come back

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Two years later..
It has been two years since i have seen or heard from shane and I'm coming back today for MNR. I wonder if he has moved on with his life and forgot about me and everything i thought we had. I know i did because i had too because i needed to for the fact while i was gone i gave birth to a baby girl and her name is Crystal Lee Ann Allen/McMahon. I still care for shane but i he is my boss and i should not mix my personal life with work life.

Shane's POV
Is it the day I finally get to tell my family I'm marrying my girlfriend of five months even though I still love Brooke but i had move on. Miranda is is my new girlfriend and my sister hates her because she hates me for hurting Brooke. I know i should of been the one for brooke but she is the one who left the company for no reason.

Steph's POV
Shane I would you recommend to shut the fuck up because brooke had a very good reason to leave for five months because the last time i saw her she was four months pregnant.

Brooke's POV
I guess nothing has changed since i left because Nikki and Brie are still at the top of the Diva's Division. Also i just saw shane and he looks very happy and i just heard he is getting married tonight on raw and he hopes he does not see me because of the fact he still regrets ever falling love with me and i would be a reminder of a failed relationship.

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