Chapter I

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It all started when I was sixteen. We were driving to my lacrosse tournament after a sudden death win. We were happy and singing and my dad had never been more proud of me.

It was raining so hard that I was afraid the drops of water were going to be too powerful and crash through our windshield.

They didn't.

Instead, they made the roads all slippery and they created giant pockets of water in the road. Those god damn raindrops made it hard to see and easy to get lost.

But it was okay because my dad was paying attention through all the rain and the smiling, singing, and dancing.

Larry Skoglund was not paying attentions that night and he drove into the other lane.

It was too late, my dad couldn't do anything because the massive truck was driving too close.

Larry Skoglund obliterated everyone in that car except me. My father was the first to die. He was run over by semi completely, his side of the car flattened. A split second after he died my brother, sitting next to me, was flattened. The other side of the tires of the truck flattened my sister and mother. The middle of our tiny little car was the only thing not wrecked. And that included me.

I was taken out of the car with broken bones,  burns, and a shattered soul.

Larry had called 911 and had been trying to get me out. I didn't scream because this was all a nightmare to me and I thought that it would be over soon enough.

I blacked out and woke up in a hospital with Larry Skoglund sitting in front of me balling his eyes out about how he ruined my life.

At first, I believed him, I truly thought that it was all Larry's fault. I blamed him. It took only two months to realize that it was really me to blame.

Word Count: 323

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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