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I wake up feeling dried out and even more exhausted than when I'd fallen asleep. Effie descends upon me right away, whisking me into my prep team's arms. They do me up much more casual than usual. I finally look my age, the makeup making me look flawless and glowing, erasing the dark circles under my eyes. Zenobia comes in, holding a white dress with a short skirt and sandals. I'm glad for the simplicity.The interview takes place down the hall. I walk in to see Caesar."Congratulations, Piper." He says with a warm smile. "How are you doing?""I'm good, thanks." I say with a charming smile."Nervous?""Not at all." I sit comfortably in the seat even though my stomach is jumping.The cameras begin counting down from ten, and I prepare myself to be broadcast live to all of Panem.Caesar and I banter for a while, trading jokes and stories about the Capitol.After a while, however, Caesar begins to get into the deeper questions, and I can only hope I'm prepared."Piper, we were all horrorstruck by the misfortune you had in losing not one but both of your allies during the Games right in front of you. I know personally I was distraught when I watched your last conversation with Magnus. I know a question on the minds of many of the viewers today is if there was something more. You told me in your first interview you weren't one to fall in love. Was Magnus the one to change that?"I look at him. "I hate to disappoint the Capitol, but no, Magnus and I were just friends. I know that sounds impossible in the middle of the Games, but we really were. We would've died for each other, and in the end, he did.""If there was something you could say to him, right now, what would it be?""That I'm sorry. That I'm grateful to have gotten the chance to meet him. That we –" My throat closes for a second. "We should've just stayed in that cave."Caesar takes a moment, pressing a handkerchief to his mouth. "Your injuries in the last battle against the last remaining tribute were severe. How did you manage to think of such an ingenious way to finish it?""I remembered something a very wise person told me once." I smile at Zenobia. "That anything can be used as a weapon. A knife, the Cornucopia, a frozen lake…even words, hate, love. It just depends on the person and how desperate you are to survive."Caesar gives me a smile. "The Victor from District 12, everyone. The girl who won against the odds. Thank you for watching."The cameras go to black, and I stand up, moving to Haymitch. "Was that alright?"He puts an arm around my shoulders. "It was perfect."I smile and go back to my room. Nothing is left except my ring and the sand dollar. I pick them up and tuck them deep in a pocket.A car with black windows takes Haymitch, Effie, and me to the train station. The cameras flash as I get on and then we're off. I take a deep breath, feeling finally free.Finnick's warning stays on my mind. I can't shake the sensation of danger. Something's coming.I just want to be home. I just want to see Peeta again. I sit on the bed, not wanting to move.Haymitch comes in as the sky begins to darken, a serious look in his eyes. "You can't see Peeta when we get home.""What?" My voice is unusually harsh."Pidge, the less loved ones you have back home, the less hold the Capitol has on you. Trust me." My blood runs cold."Haymitch, they can't. The Games aren't supposed to follow me home, I'm supposed to be safe there!" I say. "Peeta's supposed to be safe!""He won't be if the Capitol finds out how you care about him.""No, no, I can't, I need him Haymitch, and he needs me!""Then you better be pretty damn good at hiding him.""But what about you? What about you, Haymitch, I can't hide you!" I exclaim."We'll figure something out." Haymitch says with a smile.He leaves me alone, my hands gripping my sheets. I'm about to lose everyone I care about and there's no way I can stop it. I don't know what to do. But I won't abandon Peeta. I've beat the odds but the odds lied.The next morning, as we approach District 12, I go up to Haymitch."The cameras are out there." He warns me."I can handle them." I say."But there's something I need you to do for me." I tell him after a pause. "I need you to stop Peeta from coming anywhere near me. I won't be able to. I can sneak around to visit him. He'll understand, he's old enough. Please, Haymitch, please help me save him."Haymitch looks down at me. "Of course, Pigeon.""Thank you." I say, and I bury my head in his chest like I did years ago. "I can't do it, Haymitch. Please, please tell me they didn't break me. Look at me and tell me they didn't destroy who I am."Haymitch holds me closer to him. "They could never break you, Piper. You're stronger than the lot of them. Just hold on a bit longer."I let out a shaky sigh and Effie bustles in front of me. "Ready?" She chirps, and I let go of Haymitch's hand. I nod stiffly, putting a smile on my face, and the doors open.No one owns me but me.

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